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She stirred a little.

Her palms were sweaty and she could feel her heart pounding against her chest. She remembered blood... lots of it... in her hands, on the floor, and all over her dress. She could taste its metallic tang in her mouth and feel its sticky dampness in her skin. She must've been crying then because her vision was blurred wet. It all looked so real. And those stormy green eyes...

But other than that, no matter how much she tried to remember, her dream stayed forgotten.

Slowly, she lifted her eyelids and she noticed a person sleeping beside her. Seconds later, she was screaming and toppling off the bed. The sheets accidentally wrapped around her, making it a struggle for her to stand.

He opened his eyes irritably, glared at her, turned to the other side of the bed, and went back to sleep.

"Damian!" she yelled at him in outrage, her cheeks were flushed and she was certain she looked like a mad person in a straight-jacket. She had been sleeping the whole night... with him? Her Scarf(Odhni) wasn't visible anywhere. She hugged her chest and started looking for it. And then she found it under Damian. She tried to wake him up.

He didn't move.

Why you slimy, little—

"Damian!" she yelled again, a little louder this time. "Damian!"

"Go back to bed, love," he grunted, not even bothering to spare her another glance. Marinette swore she popped an artery.

"If you keep being—if you don't get up, I—I'll—" She desperately tried to free her legs from the sheets. When she did so successfully.

"You'll what?"

She shivered slightly when she saw him move slowly to face her. He used his right arm to keep himself upright, his knuckles supporting his head. He was acting like he owned the bed, the whole place for the love of Merlin. She wanted nothing more than to murder him, use her bare hands if she had too.

Because he was now twirling her hitting stick, arrogantly, mind you, between his fingers.

"You'll kill me?" he asked happily, smirk plastered on his face yet again. Her face turned into an even deeper shade of red when realization dawned on her.

"Oh Merlin... did we?" She gasped.

He sniggered at her discomfort. He patted the spot beside the bed, signaling her to sit there. She crossed her arms and looked away.

"I'm not going to tell you if you just stand there," he said composedly.

"Nothing happened!" she yelled back, but was somewhat unsure of herself. He only chuckled and patted the spot beside him again.

"I—I was completely awake!" She paced around and mumbled, almost at the brink of hysteria. "I couldn't sleep! I didn't sleep. How? What was I thinking...?"

Damian stifled a yawn.

"Are you done babbling?" He was sure she wasn't going to sit on the bed (or very well go near it for that matter), not when he was still lying there anyways.

She jumped in alarm when she saw him stand, half-naked and all. He smirked.

"Stay back," she told him warningly. She was heading towards the door. The idea that she was this frightened of him was enough to make Damian sadistically happy.

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