13- Bound

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I called Kai just after making another drop off.

"If you really need the money why don't you just ask your man?" Kai asked.

"I already told you he doesn't want me dealing so he don't even know I'm doing this"

"Ight, Ight I'll get the stuff from you in an hour"

"Thank youuuuuuuuu!" I exclaimed.


Hours had passed and it was almost 4pm when I'd realised I hadn't said Happy Birthday to Samuel.

I was still out, so I quickly got my phone out to FaceTime him. It kept ringing and ringing until it said he was unavailable.

After three tries, he still wouldn't pick up, so I texted him;

happy birthday babyyyyy❤️❤️🥺
Why won't u pick upp🥲

Not even going to lie, he doesn't even have any friends so why was he not picking up as if he's got 1,000 messages please?

Nonetheless, time was running out and I needed to sell everything.


It had turned 5 and I'd met up with Jamila to see if we had enough money.

"I think this will be good once we have Kai's money too"

"Where's he? I thought he was meeting us here?" Jamila asked.

"It keeps going to voicemail. I don't know why everyone wants to air me today..." I said, "here, you try call him" I handed her my phone to show his number.

She dialled the number into her phone and put it on speaker. Surprisingly, he picked up after one ring.

"Shanice I told you to stop belling up my line. For the last time I'm not gonna bow cat you! For f*cks sake man" Kai shouted over the phone, clearly aggravated.

"Um, It's not Shanice, I'm Tanisha's friend J-" the phone call cut off before she could finish her sentence, "what's every man's problem with bow catting, gosh"

"That b*tch!" I shouted realising he basically stole my money then blocked my number, "nah I'll actually kill him, big man ting"

I couldn't control my breathing; it felt like I was having a panic attack.

"Tanisha breathe," Jamila put her hands on my shoulders, "in...and out. We can still give him what we have, didn't you say Samuel was trying to get money too?"

"Maybe this was bound to happen. Maybe he's meant to leave me."

"Come on, let's go so you can at least say bye" Jamila held my hand.


Once we got by his house, I saw that their car was gone so I quickly jogged to their door and knocked, only to hear no response.

"Tanisha! They're not home, they had to leave ten minutes ago!" My mum shouted from the window.

I instantly sunk to the floor and started to cry in my arms; it felt like my heart had sunk to my stomach. How could he leave without saying goodbye?

"Look, look!" Jamila shook me to look at their car pulling up.

As Samuel got out, I ran to hug him.

"Why weren't you picking up?!" I hit him.

"Aah aah, I just left my phone in the charger when I was packing and accidentally left it at home- that's why I'm back." He explained.

"So you were just gonna leave me without saying goodbye?" I asked.

"I'm sorry. I was too pussy to say bye to you face to face"

I sighed before saying, "look, I've got some money, is this enough?"

Samuel looked in the bag slowly realising just about how much cash there was.

"How'd you get all this? Wait. Don't tell me yo-"

"Yes! I did it all, okay. I did it for you." I confessed, "I lost some of it but please tell me this is enough"

"Tanisha... I can't take this" Samuel held the bag in my direction.

Jamila threw her head back in annoyance.

"Yes you can. I love you. I love you Samuel" I looked deep into his eyes, as did he.

In that moment he dropped everything he was holding and kissed me.

"I love you too, Tani" he whispered.

Our parents watched as we hugged, and Mr Boateng crept over to grab the bag of money.

He opened it and chuckled before saying, "heh heh! We are definitely staying oooh! God bless you Tanisha!"

We all laughed, and tears of joy ran down my face as I realised not only could I keep my new man, but I could also keep my new neighbour.

The End.

{of part one}

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Y'all I'm sorry for taking so long to update, this chapter was half written but I never got around to finishing it lol.

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