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Who am I?

Christmas morning
Waking up
Mother and father smiling
Sitting at the fireplace
Chimney smoke pouring
Will you be alone or surrounded with family?
A wishes expectation
exceeded or forsaken

A Busy classroom bustling
Marker squeaks
Chalk scratching
The teacher's teach
Choosing a seat, carefully
Which will you choose-
A desk in front of the teacher?
Maybe one surrounded by others?
Lime-light avoided
The children chatter in the back
Will you speak or will you listen?
Will you even pay attention?

An invitation or murmured conversation
Will you be seen?
Seen to be teased or accepted?
A friend or foe- maybe something in between
Throughout life
Will you change for them to appease?
Your soul will suffer the consequence
Will it, actually?
Are we who we are meant to be?

A car swerving in the night time
Which feeling overwhelms your mind?
Is it anger or confusion
Brakes grind
Tires screech
Will I live or will I die?
Will I forgive this car at best?
Do you put your compassion to the test?
Do you holler in their face?
Patience vanished
Showing little grace
Your subconscious will dictate
True colors showing
Do you act on love or hate?

Learning is a gift- accept or reject
Getting stuck or rolling away
Through a revolving door
Are those stuck in their ways
Finding peace within the circles
The rubber ball bounces off
Getting free
Creating longevity
Down the streets and alleyways
Past fields of green as children play
Taking in all there is to be seen

A dinner
Late night movie
Will you take a chance?
Hurling yourself into the unknown
Or cautiously step around the abyss
A friend, a loved one a companion or two
Hiding within yourself
Or sharing the view
We become who we are
After decisions like these
The real decision
Am I who I am?
Or am I becoming who I will be?

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