This is it?

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We come to points within our existence in this lifetime where we question, is this all there is?
No, it's not or yes it is. Whichever answer is fine for we all find contentment in different ways, not every story is written the same.
Problems nagging daily and we feel like we are wasting away, we are or we aren't; whichever answer is fine because our bodies decay every day but our spirits will live forever within others long after our bodies expiration date. Not everyone looks at life the same way for no perspective has to fit into a narrative that isn't theirs nor does one have to become so set on their version of life's manuscript.

We are here and that is all that is. What we do within this lifetime affects other's perspectives on the world and their existence within it; that is what we must keep in mind. Not only "who am I?" But, "how does my existence affect those around me?" Well, what's the answer? How does your existence affect those around you? What are you doing today that plays part in someone's else's life? Is that role good or bad?

We can dive deep into ourselves but sometimes we can become lost in that; "who am I?" Who am I if not who I can be for you?

Shelby Mullaly or whatever my last name may turn out to be is a writer of her own life experiences and she will allow that to help anyone who takes out the time to read, who are you and what are you doing with your existence on this planet? If we aren't meant to work together, what are we doing? Why are we here, on the same soil? If we aren't meant to love eachother, why do our lives intermingle? Why are you here and why am I writing?

Today is a new day and you are here, reading. Tell me, what is it you want to be? What is it you want to learn? For life experiences have a way of teaching as long as you pay attention even to these small words.

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