The right one

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I'm a believer in controlling one's path when you're  conscious of your daily decisions and mindsets towards things that uncontrollably happen around you or to you.
Throughout my life I have looked for love in most things and have been relationally inclined since I was younger; seeking out the man who might be the one for me. Unknowingly relationships began and they ended but one thing held true; there was always a right one for the right time. I'm a believer that we control our paths so we are able to find what we are looking for everytime. What are you looking for?
Until I stopped looking for the right one I would constrain myself and constantly find the right one for the right time because I was seeking someone to be right. Unexpectedly, I stumbled upon someone who didn't want me to be the right one, he wanted me to be who I am and he wanted to help me better who that someone is. He didn't want to be "the right one" he wanted to be someone and he wanted me to love that person for who they are and would become.
There is no right one- God isn't matchmaking, he makes people and what we do in these bodies are choices, will even. We find people who we are able to understand and who take the time to understand us and that is love; what choices are made after that are will.
People are not "meant to be" people will to be and once the will is no longer there choices follow suit that either end their path together or start a new.

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