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When Y/N entered the class, Somi noticed that she was sad. Somi was really angry because she doesn't likes to see her best friend upset. A pout formed on Y/N's face as she tried to forget about the incident that happened earlier. As soon as she saw Somi her pout replaced to a cute smile as she walked towards her.

"Did he hurt you again", Somi said while trying to be calm.

"That doesn't matters. I'm fine", she smiled sadly.

Somi hugged her.

"Why are you like this Y/N? He doesn't deserves you" Somi said still hugging her.

Y/N broke the hug.

"It's not like that. He's just a little cold. I feel he's a softie inside. Just he doesn't shows his that side. One day he'll definitely be able to improve", She replied.

Somi rolled her eyes.

"Kay. Do what you like."

Y/N smiled.

Lunch Break

"Somi did you see Jungkook?" Y/N asked.

Somi sighed.

Only she can be this dumb. I wonder will she ever give up, coz that jerk will never change and I don't think he'll ever like someone.

"Let's go and eat Y/N, I'm hungry.", Somi said while dragging Y/N to the cafeteria.

"He's there Somi!", Y/N smiled excitedly.

Somi sighed irritatedly.

I don't know about Jungkook but she'll never change.

"Y/N don-", Somi got cut off as Y/N ran towards Jungkook.

"Wow Now you even ignored your beautiful and talented and cute and pretty friend for that idiot", Somi pouted as she walked to their seat where they usually eat.

"Kook!", Y/N shouted his name.

Jungkook closed his eyes to control his anger.

He decided to just ignore and walk away.

"Kook, I kept the cookies in your locker so that you can eat it later. I know they're your fav-"

"Can you please get lost from here! I don't care about your cookies neither about you!", Jungkook yelled.

Y/N was embarrassed and hurt. Minho saw this and held Jungkook's arm to calm him down.

"Okay Kook", she sadly smiled and walked away.

"Bro you shouldn't have done that to her. Some people are dying to get her attention and you harshly pushed her away" Minho spoke clearly not happy.

Jungkook stared at him for a sec and then spoke, " Who all are dying for her attention?"

Minho was taken aback.

"What do you mean?", He asked.

"Leave it. I don't care", Jungkook spoke as he started walking towards his seat.

Minho sighed and followed him.


"Oh thank God you came otherwise I thought I'll be eating alone today ", Somi trailed off as she saw Y/N walking towards her.

Y/N just sadly smiled.

"Did you get yourself humiliated again by him?", Somi said not really surprised as this has become common now.

Y/N just remained silent.

"See Y/N I don't want to sound rude or something but he clearly does not deserves you. You deserve so much better please understand and stop chasing him", Somi explained while resting her hand to Y/N's shoulder.

"Let it be. Let's just eat", Y/N sighed as she tried to process her words.

Somi just sat there and didn't say a word again as she knew Y/N will not listen to her.


Y/N is being dumb like always😂😂 but she'll be using her brain soon & Kookie is an angel irl🥺😍 I feel so bad for making him a jerk in this ff ㅠㅠ
Anyways this story isn't real lol (◠‿・)


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