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Jungkook was very upset. He cried and ate even more than before. It's his habit to eat more when he's upset.

"W-why would you do that to me?", He cried as he shoved a piece of cake in his mouth.

"Why did you not wait for mweeee", he mumbled as chewed the cake.

"I'm sowwy", he cried loudly as he took another piece of cake ready to put it in his mouth.

"Kookie won't hurt you agwain", he said as he put another piece of cake in his mouth.

If anyone would've seen Jungkook's state now they wouldn't have believed their eyes. The bad boy of the college is crying like a baby. He looked so vulnerable.

He didn't go to the college for a week.

He stayed in his home. As he liked living alone so he asked his dad and his dad sent him to their other house and he lives there for a year now. The workers come to his house for work and they leave when they're done.

All Jungkook did was to cry and to eat.  But now he has to plan on how to get Y/n back to him again. He came to a conclusion that he won't confess now and will give her letters as his secret admirer. This may melt her heart and once the right time comes he's going to reveal himself.

He also decided that he won't keep his feelings bottled up. He's going to subtly let her know about his feelings. He decided to flirt with her as he doesn't give a damn that she has a boyfriend now.

He slept as his eyes started paining from the heavy crying he did all day. Everyone's going to see a new Jungkook the next day.

The next day he took extra care of his looks. He made sure he looks good.

He made his way to the college. He came to the college extra early today. He slipped a letter and chocolates in her locker and smiled.

"I hope you like it Y/n", he said and started walking towards his locker.

While Y/n started walking to the college too. Junghyun always comes late so she didn't wait for him.

She came to the college and went towards her locker. She opened the locker and was surprised to see a letter and her favourite chocolates.

"Who kept this?", She said to herself.

She opened the letter and it said,

'I hope you like it Y/n. I bought this chocolates especially for you. Have a great day!

-your secret admirer'

She was shocked.

"Who the fvck likes someone like me?!", She said to herself but a little bit loudly. Fortunately there was no one in the hallway as it was early, so no one heard her.

"Is this a prank??", She said again.

She checked the chocolates and there was nothing suspicious about it.

She smiled as she took the letter and kept it in her beg and walked towards her class.

Little did she know that her secret admirer was already watching her while hiding himself.

He was hurt that Y/n thinks that low of herself.

"You're precious Y/n. Many people including me like you but you don't know about it", he said as he watched her.

When he saw her smile because of the letter, he smiled too.

"That means she liked it!", He whisper shouted excitedly.

But as he saw her walking towards her class, he quickly went away from there.

"I'm glad that atleast she liked it" he smiled brightly.

They have the same class so he was more pleased about that.

He entered the class and saw her reading a book.

"She looks so pretty", he said to himself.

He went and sat at the seat next to her. She looked up as she noticed someone's presence. She saw Jungkook already looking at her. She quickly looked down at her book and started reading again.

"Hey pretty woman! what are you reading", Jungkook said while staring at her.

Her eyes widened.

"Did you just call me pretty?!", She asked in disbelief.

"Ofcourse pretty people should be called pretty, right?", He asked as his lips formed into a smirk.

Her cheeks turned into a very light shade of pink as this was the first time a guy complimented her and moreover this was this was the same guy who used to call her ugly few weeks ago.

Jungkook smiled as he saw her flustered face.

"What happened to you Jeon?", She asked.

Jungkook frowned.

"Stop calling me Jeon. Call me by my name or by nicknames", he winked.

Suddenly Y/n saw Minho taking his seat. He sat a little far away from them.

Trying to make someone jealous I see.

This time she smirked.

Jungkook was confused as he saw that she was thinking and then she smirked. Though he was confused he couldn't help but admire the way she looked so beautiful even while smirking.

She came closer and Jungkook started feeling nervous as his heart started beating faster.

"Don't you remember I have a boyfriend Mr. Jeon", she whispered in his ears.

Jungkook made a boring face but deep down he was hurt as she mentioned her boyfriend.

"I don't care!", He said still blushing as their face was so close.

"Mind your business Jeon and stop using me to make someone jealous", she whispered as she smirked and sat on her seat.

"WHAT! I'M NOT TRYING TO MAKE ANYONE JEALOUS!!", He said firmly and was confused too.

Look at him getting all flustered by the fact that I caught him.

She thought as she smirked.

Ok! if you get Minho, you can continue doing it, atleast Minho might like you back then.

She sighed.

"Okay", she said as looked towards her book.

"What were you talking about?", He asked.

"Nothing", she said.

What was she talking about?!

He thought bit shrugged it off.

𝖱𝖤𝖦𝖱𝖤𝖳 {𝖩𝖴𝖭𝖦𝖪𝖮𝖮𝖪 𝖥𝖥} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now