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As soon as Y/n reached home she just laid on her bed and buried her face in the pillow and cried so hard, again.

I'm not going to do the same mistake again.

She drifted into a deep slumber.

The next day she woke up with her puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. She looked at herself in the mirror.

Wow! How can I look so terrible. No wonder Jungkook rejected me.

As soon as this thought crossed her mind she cursed at herself for bringing that boy's name again in her mind.

Move on Y/n. You can do this.

She motivated herself and got ready for college.

She walked in the huge building with a not so pleasant mood. But as soon as she saw Somi she smiled genuinely.

Somi ran to her and hugged her tightly.

"Hey bitch you are suffocating me", Y/n said with a playful grin.

Somi pouted.

"Come on you are lucky to get a free hug from such a beautiful, cute, gorgeo-"

Y/n laughed at her.

"When will you stop bragging about yourself", Y/n laughed more.

Somi pouted again and glared at her but deep inside she was happy to see her precious bestfriend laughing genuinely again.

Jungkook's POV

I walked inside with a cold expression. I was really pissed knowing that Y/n will come and bother me again with her hugs and cookies and etc. Don't even get me started. She's the most annoying girl I've ever seen. What is wrong with her? Why doesn't she minds her own business? Is it that difficult?!

I saw her with her bestfriend. I don't know her name but she seems like a bitch too, but who cares. She was laughing and honestly she looks pretty while laughing. I didn't realise that I was staring at her with a small smile on my face. Suddenly Hyunjin poked my shoulder and I flinched.

"Dude what you staring at while smiling? You smile rarely.", Hyunjin asked clearly shocked.

"Huh? Who me? I wasn't staring at anyone.... I-I just remembered a j-joke. YES A JOKE!!", I stuttered because I was panicking.

"Are you sure? What's the joke though??", He asked suspiciously.

"I-I forgot", I stuttered again.

"You are weird sometimes", he said and walked towards his class.

I was shocked. What the hell did I just do. Why did I call her pretty, She's annoying duh! I was just imagining things. I wanted to punch my face for what I did. I'll never stare at her again.

As I started to walk towards my class I heard her giggles. My heart fluttered hearing her giggles.

She is annoying but her giggles are so cute.

She hadn't notice me yet I started walking slowly I don't know why? Why didn't she notice me till now?! She was laughing at her friend's jokes and when suddenly she looked at me as I walk past her. She quickly looked away and continued to laugh.

Did she just ignore me??!! No way!! She can never ignore me.

I felt a pang in my heart but I don't want to admit it. Why am I bothered? I should be happy she's not annoying me like always. Maybe she just wants to spend time with her friends that's why she didn't approach me today. I just shrugged it off. I shouldn't care about it first of all.

I met Minho and Hyunjin. Minho looked a bit pissed but I'm an unbothered king so I shouldn't bother about it.

"Don't you think you should apologise to her", Minho glared at me.

Great that's the first thing he told me this morning.

"Don't bother about her!", I glared back.

"Well that's right. I just thought about it. Maybe you'll regret it later so I just warned you before it's too late, but just do whatever you wish", Minho sighed.

"I won't apologize to her but sometimes I feel like you like her and these days my these feelings are getting stronger by the way you talk about her", I asked curiously but I could feel a bit of anger in me but I don't know why I got angry by the thought of him liking her.

Minho was shocked by my words.

"L-let's just go we're getting late", Minho stuttered.

Something's definitely up with this guy.

I eyed him suspiciously but decided to  shrug it off.

After few hours

Y/N and Somi were walking to the cafeteria as there was a lunch break. She was quite happy today but was a little tired because of the continuous boring lectures.


Somi went to the restroom as Y/n sat on their usual seat, waiting for Somi. While she was sitting there alone she started thinking about her studies and about how difficult her future studies will be.

How will I find a proper job and make my family and friends proud. And who will I marry? Will he be handsome and well mannered? What if I become uglier day by day and no one likes me?? Gosh why is my life so complicated!!!

She spaced out as her expression changed from happy to sad and then she smiled again but soon changed to sad one again. As her expressions were changing every minute she didn't know that someone was admiring her. A smile made it's way on his lips as he stared at her and her expressions that changed every minute.

And that someone was JUNGKOOK

He entered the cafeteria expecting Y/n to come and greet him but she never came. He saw her sitting on her usual seat and smiling at her best friend who's leaving somewhere. He sat at his seat not too far from Y/n. Where he sat he could clearly see Y/n although Y/n didn't notice him. She was spaced out. He unconsciously started staring at her and looking at her funny yet cute expressions he laughed a little.

What goes on in her head?

He continued to admire her when Hyunjin called him. He flinched.

"Hey buddy", Hyunjin greeted.

"Hey", Jungkook replied back to his cold expression.

"Where's Minho?", Hyunjin asked.

"I don't know", he replied blankly.

Jungkook just wanted to continue doing what he was doing before Hyunjin approached him, that is staring at Y/n.

Why am I doing this? I should stop.

He mantally slapped himself for shamelessly staring at her, again.

He started eating but his mind diverted towards Y/n all the time. He continued stealing glances of her. While she was eating cutely while smiling at her bestfriend and laughing at her jokes. For him it was the most adorable sight he has ever seen. He shook off those thoughts and continued eating.

Why hasn't she approached me till now?

𝖱𝖤𝖦𝖱𝖤𝖳 {𝖩𝖴𝖭𝖦𝖪𝖮𝖮𝖪 𝖥𝖥} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now