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(A/N; Hey, I'm Salty. Welcome to my book, please don't attack me if you do not approve of this ship, thank you.)

The church was shaking uncontrollably and pieces of the ceiling were falling down, Boyfriend and Girlfriend ran out of the church leaving Sarvanete and Ruv alone to panic, "Ruv! We gotta get out of here!" Sarvanete yelled, tugging on Ruv's sleeve, the man just stared up at the ceiling in guilt and in shock. He had destroyed something his friend loved but Sarvanete suddenly lifted him up and ran outside of the church just in time before it completely crumbled down into a pile of rubble.

"Ruv, are you okay?! You could've gotten hurt just standing there!" Sarvanete yelled at him, "I'm sorry Sarv... I destroyed our home." Ruv sighed, this was the very reason on why he didn't really like singing, his voice causes destruction whenever he let's it out.

Sarvanete just hugged her friend tightly, seeing him safe was the only thing that kept her sane, "At least you're okay, that's what matters." She said letting out a sigh, "But where will we stay now?" Ruv asked with a low voice as if he were to whisper, the nun shrugged and just took his hand and began to walk away from the destroyed church. They both walked around town looking for an apartment to stay in, Sarvanete could literally just conjure up money whenever she wanted so expenses didn't really bother them, "Ugh... This town seriously needs more places where people like us can live in!" Sarvanete grumbled as she kicked a rock away from her, Ruv just sighed and looked up at the sky trying to calm his thoughts.

But then they suddenly heard an ear piercing scream coming from an alleyway, it sounded like an electric guitar from a rock concert or something, "Let's go check it out!" "Sarv, wait!" Ruv quickly ran after his friend who had already ran into the alleyway.

"Sarv no, it could be dangerous--" "Shh!" She put her hand over his mouth making him stay quiet, Ruv peeked out of the corner and saw a man with a bomb for a head screaming at Boyfriend and Girlfriend, those two nearly ran away but then Sarvanete started yelling at them, "How dare you! You two made Ruv accidentally destroy our church--" "Get back here!" Ruv yelled loudly causing the ground to shake while he held his friend back from attacking the two teenagers.

The nun struggled and kept yelling at them but then they just ran off, once they were finally gone Sarvanete calmed down and smiled at the bomb headed young fellow, "Hi! I'm Sarvanete, what's your name?" Straight forward with the topic, Ruv just looked at the bomb he was shorter that Ruv just by a few centimeters but their height difference isn't that major.

"Whitty..." Whitty answered, he looked over to Ruv waiting for him to introduce himself but sadly the man didn't speak, "Oh, uh... His name is Ruv!" Sarvanete smiled as she gave her friend a little nudge.

Ruv just nodded silently giving Whitty a rather salty look, he didn't like meeting new people especially ones that are involved with those two midgets, "Thanks for getting those two outta my way." Whitty thanked, "No problem, but uh... Do you happen to know if there's a place we could stay for a few days? Ruv here, kinda destroyed our church." Sarvanete giggled anxiously when Ruv shot a glare at her. "You two can stay with me and Carol. We won't mind." Whitty replied, "Oh really?! Thank you so do much!" Sarvanete jumped up with joy, her friend Ruv nodded with a faint sigh and Whitty immediately noticed that living with him was going to be a very hard challenge.

But living with his little girlfriend didn't seem so bad, she seemed kind and enthusiastic enough to keep the atmosphere cheerful. "Alright then, let's get goin'." Whitty said, the three of them headed out of the alleyway and back out into the street.

Whitty led them back to his house where Carol was sitting in the garden watering the flowers. "Whitty! Oh, you've brought guests." Carol chimed with a sweet smile, Sarvanete immediately stepped forward and introduced herself. "My name is Sarvanete, but you can call me Sarv for short! And this is Ruv, he's kinda salty some times." She giggled while shaking hands with Carol.

Carol was a very pretty girl, she had brown skin and curly black hair, her eyes were a light shade of caramel and freckles were scattered across her pinkish cheeks.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Carol." She replied, Whitty explained everything to her and she was fine with having the two stay at their place, they all went inside and discussed who's sharing a room with who.

"We only have two rooms here so--" "I call dibs on sharing a room with the only girl here!" Sarvanete laughed as she hugged Carol, Ruv facepalmed and groaned in annoyance, he had been hoping she'd stay with him since they'd always sleep next to each other, not like a couple, more like Sarv's constant kicking and turning over while Ruv just stayed in place like a brick stiff brick, occasionally having to catch her every time she'd nearly fall off the edge. "Have fun getting your face kicked at night..." He mumbled hearing Whitty chuckle slightly. "Well, have fun-- h-have fun... Hmm... Have fun having to hear Whitty's horrible snoring!" Carol shot back at him. "That's not an excuse. Sarv snores like a fucking bear." Ruv rolled his eyes and the short nun started punching his chest while growling.

"I'll just sleep on the couch, I don't wanna be a burden to ya." He said, flopping down onto the soft couch that smelled like caramel for some odd reason, he hated the sweetness of it but it was better than having to sleep in someone else's bed. Ruv yawned and crossed his arms while lowering his head and closing his eyes shut. "Dude, you're not sleeping on our-- wait, is he asleep already?" Whitty said while poking the man's face a bit, Sarvanete sighed and decided to explain.

"He can put himself to sleep on command, he does it even when I'm scolding him! It's annoying." She grumbled, flicking her veil to the side slightly. In truth, Ruv wasn't actually asleep he was wide awake he had just gotten really good at pretending to be asleep, it helped him get through Sarvanete's boring lectures whenever he'd come home late or do something she didn't approve of.

'Living with these two might actually be interesting...' Whitty thought.

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