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Everyone in the restaurant was silent, "Ready, set... Go!" Lucy cheered and the battle began, Ruv started things off and the ground began to shake causing some of the people to panic but Sarvanete informed them that everything was fine, Whitty just watched in amazement, Ruv's voice was the only thing he could hear in his head, then suddenly Ruv began rapping to which Keith could barely keep up, customers started cheering despite the earthquakes Ruv's voice causes.

Lucy was cheering for her boyfriend as the song went on, Ruv was even more merciless than the last time he rapped faster and louder, must be because he had changed his mind on wearing a maid outfit in front of everyone, or maybe another reason exists.

The song ended, the building hadn't crumbled down which was a relief, "Why do you always get the louder mic?!" Lucky exclaimed, Ruv showed her the button on his mic and it had been switched off the whole time, "My voice is just that loud." Ruv walked to Sarvanete and she immediately threw her arms around him crying.

"Do you know how scared I was thinking you'd make the whole building collapse?!" She yelled looking up at her friend with teary eyes, Ruv hesitated but hugged her back and sighed, "Sorry..." He apologized. Sarvanete pulled away from the hug and suddenly kissed Ruv on the cheek, "I admit it for the 100th time! I like you, but I know how you feel. So I won't take your first kiss!" She sniffled and went to sit down, Ruv just stood there with his hand on his cheek.

He was trying to process what had happened but then he was snapped out of his thoughts when Keith held up a bottle of vodka, "Skbeep, beep beep bop!" Ruv took of Keith's hat and ruffled his hair before putting it back on and taking the bottle of vodka, "Consider this a truce midget." Ruv said, someone in the crowd threw a bag at him and when he looked inside there was a maid outfit with cat ears. "Oh for fucks sake. Fine." Ruv stormed off into the bathroom and the crowd waited for him, girls had their phones out while jumping up hand down squealing.

Ruv came out of the bathroom and a bunch of girls squealed running towards him and gladly taking a billion pictures with a criminal, but it seemed like these people didn't know him or they did know him but they didn't care.

"God damn... That's a steamy hot meal right there." Whitty mumbled under his breath while biting his lip a little, Ruv looked so feminine in that maid outfit, he had curves that weren't noticeable when he wore his usual clothes, then suddenly Whitty's wick burned a bright pink flame when Ruv posed and let out a meow.

" Whitty mumbled under his breath while biting his lip a little, Ruv looked so feminine in that maid outfit, he had curves that weren't noticeable when he wore his usual clothes, then suddenly Whitty's wick burned a bright pink flame when Ruv pose...

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(Sorry, I'm terrible at drawing)

"W-Whitty! Oh God are you okay?!" Carol exclaimed as she quickly put out the flame of his wick, Whitty just ran outside of the restaurant and his wick ignited again, 'Why the hell do I feel like this?! It's like I have butterflies in my stomach.' His wick had finished burning the piece of string and his head exploded just when Sarvanete went out to check on him, she screamed and then Whitty's body fell on her.

"Carol! What do I do?!" She called out, Carol came rushing outside of the restaurant, "I-I think we should go home." Carol said taking Whitty's body off of Sarvanete, the nun went inside and told Ruv that it was time to go, he quickly changed back into his clothes and returned the maid outfit to the woman who gave it to him. "C-Can one of you carry Whitty? He's heavy..." Carol wheezed Whitty's body was basically crushing her, Ruv handed Sarvanete his vodka bottle before picking Whitty up in bridal style and they began walking back home, "So much for a date... But I'm sure he was just nervous." Carol smiled and looked up at Ruv who just frowned in response to what she said, "Ruv looked pretty hot in that maid outfit though. I never knew you looked so girly." Sarvanete giggled, "Shut it, Lucifer."

"Unholy fool."



"... I am not-"


"Fuck you."

"I bet Whitty will be glad to fuck you."

"Pff, try me. Wait a minute, Sarv that came out wrong!"

"Hah! Bottom."

"Says the one who wants God to top her..."

"Don't you dare talk about the Holy Father like that!"

"Then stop calling me a bottom, I'm not gay."

"Keep telling yourself that, Ruvysvat."

"Иди нахуй себя!"
*Go fuck yourself!*

"Я позволю Уитти трахнуть тебя!"
*I'll let Whitty fuck you!*

"Я не гей!"
*I am not gay!*

"Вы очень веселые! Literally!"
*You are very gay!*

Their argument continued and poor Carol couldn't understand a thing they're saying to each other, Whitty's head suddenly popped back up and Ruv jumped nearly dropping him, "You two are like litteral children..." Whitty sighed, his face then flushed when he realized that Ruv was carrying him like a bride. "Can I put you down?" Ruv asked looking down at Whitty who just nodded in response, Ruv put him down and the bomb's face was burning up, "I-I think I might explode again." Whitty giggled as if he was drunk, "Also I heard your entire conversation." Whitty added.

Ruv froze for a brief moment while Sarv's face was that of a '😶' emoji, they got back home and Ruv immediately made himself comfortable on the couch, chugging down the vodka like water while Whitty awkwardly sat beside him turning the TV on. "Don't you dare get drunk in my house!" Carol scolded, "Don't worry, Ruv has pretty high alcohol tolerance, even if he doesn't drink that often." Sarvanete smiled innocently knowing how things are when Ruv gets drunk.

"Well, Whitty here gets pretty crazy when he's drunk. So, please don't give him any." Carol said as she walked to her room to change her clothes, when she was done she threw a sweater and a pair of jeans at Sarvanete before going to the kitchen to make food. Ruv quickly checked if everything was clear and then he casually handed Whitty the half empty bottle of vodka, "Take a sip. I know you want to." Ruv said, Whitty took the bottle into his hands and took one sip as Ruv said.

'Ahh! I just shared an indirect kiss with a hot Russian!'

Whitty handed him back the bottle and continued to watch the horror show that was on TV while Ruv silently drank the rest of the vodka, "Ruv, can we be friends?" Whitty asked, Ruv turned his gaze to the bomb and thought for a moment. Whitty seemed nice but he wasn't very sure about another friendship with someone else, "... Alright, I'll be your friend." Ruv sighed, his breath suddenly hitched when Whitty hugged him tightly.

"Thank you! I promise you won't regret it!"

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