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(Art by me 😌 this is their photo together, idk what to do with the background)

Ruv hadn't spend much time with Whitty lately, after the bomb found out he was a criminal he had just suddenly stopped hanging out with Ruv as much but he dedicated a small part of his room for the young man, Whitty bought a small drawer for Ruv to put his stuff in and their photo always sat on top of it.

Whitty had always been spending time with Carol, doing everything with her, Sarvanete comforted Ruv since he had been always feeling down and he didn't want to tell her what was wrong because he just didn't understand this new feeling he was experiencing, it was weird and it made him feel nauseous.

He didn't like it one bit.

Ruv was outside, sitting in a tree while looking down at the grass below, "Hey Mister!" A child called out, he looked to the left and saw a little kid that looked and dressed exactly like Whitty only his eyes were orange and blue. Ruv was confused but he jumped down from the tree to see what the kid wanted.

"Can you show tell me where the orphanage is? I'm lost." The bomb kid said, Ruv just stared down at him with a blank expression before suddenly picking him up and hugging him tightly, "C'mon, let's go to the orphanage. I'm adopting you." "WHAT?!" The poor kid shouted.

+Mean while at the house+

"Whitty! Stop, you'll ruin the icing!" Carol scolded her boyfriend, "Oh please, call my name when we're in bed sweetheart." Whitty laughed, "I've told you, I'm not that ready yet." Carol replied.

Sarvanete felt like the third wheel here, Ruv had been spending less and less time in the house recently so they were making cupcakes to apologize, then again...

Ruv despises sweets.

"HE'S GONNA MURDER US!" The ex-nun suddenly spurted icing all over the cupcake she was working on while bursting into tears. "Sarv what's wrong?" Carol asked, "Ruv's gonna fucking murder us! We're so inconsiderate!" Sarvanete cried.

Her eyes were like waterfalls and she sloppily started eating the icing covered cupcake.

"Why would he do that?" Whitty asked. "Ruv. Hates. Sweets!" The couple paniced almost instantly and thought of ways to get rid of the cupcakes, due to their panic icing was everywhere and Whitty was trying to shove as much of the cupcakes in his mouth.

They all shut up and froze when the sound of the front door opening echoed into the kitchen, "Weird... No one's home..." Ruv mumbled. The three others were silently screaming, they heard Ruv flop down on the couch and let out a loud groan, "Finally... Peace and quiet." He said.

"What do we do?!" Sarvanete mouthed, Carol looked to the backdoor and immediately pointed towards it, they started making their way to the door when Whitty accidentally bumped the table with his leg causing Ruv to get up and walk to the kitchen. "The hell are you three doing? Murdering cupcakes?" He didn't like jokes but that one certainly made Whitty laugh.

"Just get this shit cleaned up... I want you to meet somebody." Ruv said before walking back to the living room.

The other sighed in relief and just began cleaning, "Thank God he didn't murder us..." Sarvanete sighed in pure relief.

Ruv was with Baby Bomb, the kid he had just adopted very threateningly, he wanted to be called Junior instead of the name the orphanage gave him. "Will they like me Papa?" Junior asked, Ruv patted his head, "I don't care what they say. I'm keeping you." Ruv pulled the kid onto his lap and hugged him, Junior reminded him of Whitty so he decided to keep him as his permanent son.

"YOU KIDNAPPED A CHILD?!" Sarvanete's screamed, "No, you idiot. Meet Junior, he's my precious baby now..." Ruv pouted and hugged his precious baby.

Whitty came into the living room and laughed when he saw the kid, "Eyyy! You look just like me!" He laughed, "Are you my Dad?" Junior asked, Whitty gently squished his tiny face and giggled, "I'll be your dad!" The kid jumped up with joy and hugged Whitty. He had two dads now, "Papa, I'm hungry." Junior looked over to Ruv who blushed profusely after being called Papa in front of Whitty, Sarvanete had a devious look on her face.

"S-Sure! Let's see if there's anything to eat in the kitchen." Ruv got up and so did Junior who followed him to the kitchen.

"Carol... I'm a father." Ruv said, the girl gasped and turned around to see the kid, "Did you and Whitty-" "I adopted him! Nothing like that happened!" Ruv's face was completely red from embarrassment and Carol just giggled. "Hi! Call me Junior, Aunty Carol!" Carol's heart melted and she gave the kid a pat on the head, "Aww! That's adorable! Here, it's left over bacon and eggs from breakfast." Carol handed him a plate and the two went back into the living room.

Junior gladly ate the food while sitting on Ruv's knees, he was awfully tiny but Whitty said he's grow up to 9 feet it more.

"I'm your Aunty Sarv! Please tell me if there's anything I can do for you my sweet angel!" Sarvanete giggled, Ruv knew that having a kid was a lot of responsibility but he knew that him and Junior were gonna get along.

Whitty looked at Ruv who was focused on teaching Junior how to eat properly with his hands. "Ahh- perfect, see? No mess."

"Do you like Dad, Papa?" Junior asked tilting his head slightly, "Uh... Yeah?" Ruv's response sounded more like a question than an answer, "Are you married?" "Yes." Whitty laughed while looking at Ruv's annoyed face, "Prove it! Kiss!" The kid demanded, Sarvanete felt like this was a dream come true, "Uh... I-I'm not-" Ruv was cut off by Whitty's lips pressing onto his, Sarvanete high fived the little bomb good thing Carol was still doing the dishes in the kitchen while listening to music.

Whitty pulled away and Ruv placed his hands over his lips, "That was my first kiss!" He yelled in a whisper, "But you liked it~." Whitty replied seductively licking his lips.

It was a victory royale for Sarvanete and Junior.

•Unexpected Turns• (Ruv x Whitty) Where stories live. Discover now