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Whitty had suddenly fallen asleep on Ruv, his arms were around the other man's torso while his head rested on the back of Ruv's neck, good thing Sarvanete and Carol went out earlier to get groceries or else those two would've teased the shit outta him, but Ruv had to admit, Whitty's body was incredibly warm and it regulated his naturally cold body temperature, it was weird but he actually liked the fact that he wasn't freezing anymore.

"Ruv? Are you awake?" He heard Whitty's voice from behind him, he nearly jumped upon hearing it but he immediately pretended to be asleep, Whitty leaned forward a bit trying to see his face and once he saw that Ruv's eyes were closed he sighed in relief and hugged the man a little tighter than before, while Ruv liked Whitty's body heat, Whitty liked how cold Ruv was, they were in the same situation with one another and they both didn't want to admit it. "Man... If you weren't so salty towards me, then maybe we could actually be buddies." Whitty sighed and Ruv just bit his tongue trying not to freak out on how gay that sounded, he didn't have a problem with gay people or anything, it's just very odd that someone other than Sarvanete likes him.

"Haha! Ruv is really cold at times, but I swear, he's a really sweet guy." They both heard Sarvanete's voice outside the door, and Whitty immediately let go of Ruv. Ruv on the other hand pretended to wake up due to the bomb's movements.

The door unlocked and Sarvanete and Carol walked inside with the groceries, Ruv went over to his friend and helped her with the bags as well as Whitty with Carol, "Here Ruv. Sarvanete told me you didn't like sweets, but dark chocolate isn't really a sweet... So, y'know." Carol laughed slightly while she handed him a bar of dark chocolate. Ruv took it and unwrapped it, he had never tried anything chocolate before but it was worth a shot to see if it was sweet or not, he took a bite and hummed, "... Buy me more next time." He muttered.

Carol smiled and they brought the groceries to the kitchen table, there was ice cream, juice and other food that they needed. Ruv wasn't there since he was busy sitting on the couch and enjoying the dark chocolate while the other three put the groceries away.

"Ruv. Wanna hang out while they make dinner?" Whitty poked his head in the living room and saw Ruv nod a little bit then stand up from the couch, "Great! Let's go." Whitty took his arm then dragged him outside, they began walking along the street and Whitty looked up at the sky it was dark already and a few stars could be seen, "So uh... How are you?" Whitty asked, "Fine."

"I still can't believe you don't like sweet stuff."

"Hate them."

"Do you like love and affection?"

"Not really. But I do enjoy seeing someone happy about me."

"Oh. What about Sarv, she seems to be very affectionate."

"Mhmm... Very."

"Do you have any hobbies?"

"If the answer is other than pickpocketing then no."

"You pickpocket?"

"When I want to..."

"That's cool. I like playing instruments, especially the guitar."


"You're so gloomy. Can you smile for me?"

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"The muscles in my face don't work properly to form a smile, but if I do smile I'd just be hurting myself."

"I didn't expect that answer."

"Nobody does."

"Hah! I like you, you're fine to talk to."

Ruv felt odd from hearing that, he just nodded and continued to walk alongside the bomb, "Do you mean that?" Ruv asked and Whitty looked over to him with a smile, "Of course!" He replied, Ruv couldn't believe that someone other than Sarvanete enjoyed his company and it made him feel a little tingly inside. "Oh, one last question. Do you sing?" Ruv froze for a moment remembering what he had done to the church, he just turned around and started walking back to the house, "Ruv, wait! What's wrong?" Whitty went after him but he just shoved the man away, Whitty was honestly hurt by that sudden action, "Ruv I-" "Shut up!" Ruv shouted, the ground suddenly shook and Whitty's eyes widened in shock.

'H-He caused and earthquake...' He thought, now he understood why Ruv sounds like he's whispering all the time, "Ruv, come back, I'm sorry I asked!" Whitty yelled while running after him, Ruv just went back inside the house and slammed the door shut before Whitty could even get inside. "Come on man! Why are you so rude to me?!" Whitty asked angrily while he walked into the house slamming the door closed just like Ruv did.

"You shouldn't have taken us in! We would've been fine without you." Ruv stated, Sarvanete threw her veil at him and growled, "Ruv, these people have showed us kindness. So please stop acting like such an asshole!" She yelled, Ruv just fell on the couch and growled under his breath in annoyance. Whitty stormed off to his room and a loud bang was heard, "Oh no, great. Just great. He exploded!" Carol yelled from the kitchen, "Please go apologize." She added and then Sarvanete went back into the kitchen to help her out again, Ruv was a little guilty now so he decided to apologize for being a bit of a jerk.

"Whitty? You okay in here?" He said while opening the door, he gasped when he saw the headless body of Whitty just standing in the middle of the room.

"Um... Maybe I should come back later-- woah!" Ruv instantly caught Whitty's body which fell on him, 'Did I just kill him unintentionally?' He asked himself then he dragged Whitty's body to the living room where he threw him on the couch. "Huh. I think I did kill him." Ruv mumbled, Carol walked in and saw the headless Whitty on the couch, "Is he dead? If so, I get to bury him in your garden." Ruv said, "He's not dead and he can still hear you." Carol rolled her eyes with a chuckle and Ruv covered his mouth, "Shit... Can I kill him for real now?" Ruv asked.

"Obviously not." Carol scoffed and just went back to the kitchen.

Ruv just stood in the living room for 5 minutes and then Whitty's head popped back in place, "So if I did die you'd bury me in the garden?" The bomb rose an eyebrow at Ruv who just looked away, "You were concerned weren't you?" Whitty laughed, "Just shut up, dinner's ready." Ruv huffed and pulled his ushanka down a little trying to hide the embarrassment he had written all over his own face.


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