254 - Complications *Modern*

501 15 2

Prompt - Lola getting pregnant and trying to pass it off as Francis' baby but it's in fact Bash's?


"I don't even know what to say." Mary sighs, undoing the final braid of her complicated bridesmaid's hairstyle. The night has been long and she's exhausted and shaken up by the whole ordeal. She feels so badly for Greer and she feels even worse for Francis and Kenna, Mary doesn't know what to think, nor what to say. What can she say? What could make all of this better?

"Neither do I." Francis' voice is distant, exhausted, like he's half a mile away when he is in fact just a few feet in the hotel suite room that they're staying in for Greer's wedding to Leith. The wedding itself had been beautiful and everything her closest friend had ever wanted, but after the sit down and the alcohol began to flow, truth and secrets left the lips of the conspirators and the fighting...

"My love, I-" Mary rises in her blush tulle gown, leaving the red roses in her hair for the moment, picking up the skirts as she makes her way to her husband. Francis lays in their temporary bed quietly, his blazer and waistcoat long since gone, white button down and tie open and loose, hands acting as a pillow for his blonde head. He looks exhausted, devastated, defeated.

Mary spat at the part of her that was relieved at the revelation that had occured this night, but how can a part of her not be unburdened by the fact that her husband and her cousin weren't going to have a baby together? Of course, the two of them had had sex while she and Francis were on a temporary break, nobody can change that, but her husband wouldn't father a child with somebody that wasn't her, and Mary was slightly relieved at that. But she felt awful by those feelings, because she saw how much Kenna cried and how devastated she was when the truth came to light. And to see Francis now, having a child in his grasp, thinking that this baby was his, thinking he had a future child coming into the world, and then to have it ripped away, she felt awful for him.

"I'm sorry." Mary says, sitting at his side and taking his hand. "I can't imagine-"

"Yeah-" he cuts her off. "but it has to be for the best, right? Everything happens for a reason?" 

"You get to feel sad about it though, we all thought that you were the father, you thought you were going to be a father, I know how badly you want a child." she finishes quietly, the pain knawing at her gut when she thinks of the time he could have been a father with her. "And that got taken away and it was given to your brother, who's in turn engaged to my other cousin." she sighs. "I'm sorry."

"That bitch's got a thing for Valois men, doesn't she?" he scoffs. "Even Kenna's had a roll around with my father."

"Just the same as you Valois men like the Stuart blooded women." Mary chuckles bitterly. "Or are you forgetting Henry, the guy that shares a half brother in you and a half sister in Lola, my aunt Jeanne? That's not even thinking about this whole me, you, Kenna, Lola and Bash situation." she rolls her eyes again. "What kind of stupid teen romance show is this?" she rolls her eyes.

"I've no idea, you couldn't write this shit, could you?" he grunts, rubbing his hands down his face. "We should send Greer some gifts to make up for her reception going to shit."

"Yeah," Mary agrees. "maybe she could do a vow renewal in a year, make this memory go away  for everybody."

"It'd be nice." he sighs. "You do know how sorry I am that the thing with Lola ever happened, right?"

"Just as I'm so sorry for what happened with Sebastian."

He sighs. "I know all four of us worked it out, we all took on responsibility, everybody did something wrong in one way or another. But, I just wanted to apologise again."

"We both majorly fucked up, we're not perfect. But for Lola to pass the baby off as yours when it was Bash's-"

"I don't even think he knew, did you see the look on his face when the news was spilled? I don't think he was in on it."

"Yeah, Sebastian isn't a liar. He's awful at it." Mary sighs. "What do you think happens now?"

"I don't know, I guess I'll have  conversation with my brother tomorrow morning, and he and Lola and Kenna can find out where they stand. At least we know he didn't cheat on Kenna, nobody cheated on anybody at that point in time." he sighs. "This is all crazy. I don't know what to think."

"Yeah," Mary sighs. "You know I'm with you, right? That I'll always be here for you?"

"I do, I love you, Mary."

"I love you, too. More than anything."

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