264 - Opposition

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If the Queen of France's eyes could spout flames, then, for sure, the occupants of the lit de royale would be nothing but embers and ashes, despite the fact she's only stared at them for no longer than nine heartbeats. The room is dimmed low, sensual and golden by candlelight, and she can smell the sweet, earthy smell of the honeycomb wax wafting in the air, combining with the roaring, dancing, waltzing flame coming from the burning logs of the fireplace. She inhales slowly, breathing in the smell as her dark arms wrap around her waist, staring at the two bodies upon the bed as they continue their own erotic waltz.

She glares at the occupants of the bed, the two figures moulding together so perfectly and sexily that she almost seems voyeur by the sight. She cannot allow herself to be, however, as she keeps the ice in her heart despite the heat of the room and the heat of the act as bare skin reveals itself to the world, satin and lace sheets falling from the pale golden skin, skin touching skin, lips touching lips, sighs and moans as a raven haired head reclines unto the pillows, a blonde head falling to her neck, seaking out the delicate skin, that perfect, imperfectionless skin that glows with exhilaration and sweat.

"So, this is why you missed dinner with the German ambassador." The Queen of France speaks finally, startling them both. She feels a sense of joy as she sees her husbands' mistress jump in surprise, so lost in his body, in their lovemaking she didn't even realise the door had been opened.

Her husband, however, seems almost irritated by her presence, much to her frustration.

"Lola," he states her name, pressing one last kiss to his mistress' bare breasts as she sits up to cover up with the sheets. But, she's still ass attractive as ever with her unkempt, messy raven waves and love marks along her neck and collarbones. "what are you doing here?" he asks, pushing up on his knees to pull on a housecoat.

She takes a moment to respond, which gives the King of France and the Princess of Scotland -la mistresse-en-trite, she thinks with fury- a moment to look at each other, which only infuriates her more.

"Why am I here?" Lola glares at her husband. "I'm here because you swore to me that you would take dinner with the German ambassador and the Prussian General to ease relations between them and my father, and yet an hour passed after the final course, and I come to find you here! Making love to your whore while I desperately tried to entertain those dull bastards! F-Francis, I know this union is damned, but the least you could do is at least play the husband."

"Don't you dare call Mary whore!" Francis suddenly barks, glaring at her right back. "For your information, my lady, you reside at court at my leisure, you eat my food, drink my wine, wear my satin, so I recommend you remember your place before you burst into my chambers, my lady." he spits back. "Shouldn't you know by now that Stefan and Emmanuel are friends as much as a King can be friends with a foreigner, I've put to them your fathers' quarrel and now, the information is theirs to do with as they please, they may attend to you on the morrow, but if not, my duties as King are done in this aspect. As husband, however-" he looks her up and down, angrily. "I was prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt, given the circumstances of our union, but any warmth I may have granted you has diminished the moment you dared turn your tounge against the woman I love more than anything bar three."

Lola pales. "Th-three?" Everybody in the world knew that nothing meant more to the King than his bastard children. But-but Mary had only birthed two, could that mean-

"Do with my words what you will, my lady, but I suggest you leave the Princess and I for the night, for I hold you in no regard after this night."


More mistress Mary coming up soon! What do you think the last part meant? Find out sooon :)

You Are My Light Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now