255 - Forbidden *Modern*

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Prompt - maybe they've known each other for a long time and it's not like their families hate each other, she just didn't like him for the longest time cause he was kind of a jerk and a player(?) sort of guy or vice versa


He sees her immediately. How can he not when she sits there like that? Like a beacon of light throughout all the sleezes trying to cop a feel in the smoky pub? He wouldn't expect a woman like her to be here, but alas, there she sits in all of her raven-haired glory. 

She looks to be every bit the rebellious Princess she is in fact to be, with her hair tousled and undone, her red lipstick slightly smeared with the kiss of a man or a woman and the kiss of the rum, with her black silk dress so short and revealing that it'd make any man -or woman, for that matter- orbit around her as if she is some kind of sun and they are planets at her mercy.

She's surrounded by men trying to get in too close and place their hands on her bare thighs or her legs that seem endless with the dress and the high heeled black stilettos she wears, and he grins at her when she looks them all down, never once blinking or blushing or looking away, like she owns this place and everybody inside it.

"You lost, Princess?" the bartender calls. Mary chuckles lightly, looking him up and down as her lips part and her hair gets tossed to the side a little. He grins at her, her confidence and sophistication oozing at such a young age as she takes another sip of her rum.

"Maybe, you tell me." she answers evenly, much to the delight of the men that react to her as one reacts as a child to a sweet shop. He knows, however, he knows that Mariposa Stuart-De Guise is no Princess.

"What're you doing here, Stuart?" he calls, walking in close and running his fingers down her spine as Mary shivers, turning around. "Shouldn't Daddy be wondering where his little Princess has gotten to?" he drawls as Mary smirks.

"My Daddy doesn't give a damn about me, Valois. You have experience in that field, hmm?" she hums. It's like a bitter inside joke with people like them, heirs to Dynasties. Their fathers using their children as commodities to bring home the bacon, neither Henry Valois or James Stuart giving a damn who their children fuck or how much they drink so long as they get their precious advantageous marriages at the end of it.

His jaw clenched, and he doesn't want to admit that she hit a nerve.

"Awh, what is it? Did I hit a nerve? Is that why Olivia D'amencourt and Natalia Baudelaire got ran out of town, because the golden child of the Valois got a little too handsy with them?" Mary giggles, running her fingers down the buttons of his black satin button down.

"You can talk, doll, how many guys ended up black and blue in the ditch just before the dunes?" he replies, knowing full well she's begun her tricks with him, the foot sliding up and down his leg and the sultry way she gases up at him through her lashes tells him everything he needs to know.

"Only three," she shrugs. "what's the harm in it, hmm? They know what they sign up for the moment they touch me." she whispers. He can smell the coconut rum on her breath and the expensive truffles she'd been snacking on, the sweetness of the chocolate and the alcohol and the intoxicating pull of her ranunculus flower oil she rubs all over her supple, sultry body are enough to drive any man crazy. If Mary was poison, any man and any woman would still be tempted to jump right in. The long legs, hip-length raven waves and pouty lips, the demure desire. Sebastian had once called her a woman you'd literally die to spend the night with. Leith and Remy and Julien call her a siren, one you'd sell your soul to the devil for just a touch, just a taste. He's pretty damn sure it'd be worth it, too. He's a dead man walking;

and you know what?

Francis doesn't give a damn.


Can we all take a moment to appreciate how adorable Addy and her new girlfriend Martha are? They're so damn cute on Instagram, I love them :)

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