272 - Sunrise *Modern*

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A/N before we get started here, everybody. As some of you may be able to see (or it's just my profile messing up), the chapters are all out of sync. I have no idea how or why that happened, it just did one day. It's really weird, and I'll try to fix it, but I can't guarantee that it won't happen again. Anybody have any idea on what the hell happened?

Also, as always, I'm working with the literal worst keyboard in the entire world right now, so if I'm missing a letter, that's why.


"You are beautiful," Francis says, breaking the comfortable silence around them as they look upon the scenery to the de Medici Italian estate. They're still young, barely twenty two, and just married several months ago, and they mean everything to each other. The bond they share is incomparable to anything else in the world, so close and intimate and compatible that any other couple may weep at the sight of such divine beauty. "the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." he whispers, pulling his wife closer as she sighs in pleasure, leaning into his warmth, closing her eyes as the love she has for this man rushes through her. She's at peace in this moment, so close and complete with this man at her side.

"And I'm eternally grateful that you're mine." she whispers, closing her eyes in relaxation as she revels in this moment. A perfect, sublime, peaceful, warm moment that makes her heart beat faster. It's became a part of their day-to-day ritual, as it was, so escape the hardships and trails and tribulations of lives like theirs, and to just be with each other, to hold each other and breathe in the solace they have found within themselves as they grow from teenage lovers to a proper, grown up married couple. "I doubt I'm more beautiful than that." she chides, looking out towards the scenery of a blood red sky and a dim, glowing golden ball slowly rising from the leafy hedges and the farmlands rolling on for miles, after miles, after miles.

"While that is rather enjoyable to observe," he notes. "you are the diamond of my eye, and nothing can compare."

"The saying is apple, dummy." she chuckles.

He laughs. "I know that," Francis states. "but I can't really go around comparing my wife to a piece of fruit, now, can I? That won't get me a lot of brownie points in the husband department." 

"So long as you don't call me a watermelon when we have a child of our own, we'll be fine."


Super weird, super bad, but I've been super busy with work and dealing with a depression spell for the last few days, so I really wanted to get something out, seeing as though I haven't done so in quite a while.



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