6.5K 80 7

we slept in the boat house.

when i awoke, Rafe was gone.

i got up and made the bed, tidying the mess Rafe had created last night.

i went back to the house at 10am and changed into a yellow milkmaid dress, white shoes, and a white alice-band.

i was sat in the kitchen with Hector, eating breakfast, when Rafe came in.

he had a little bag and looked triumphant.

"morning," i said suspiciously.

he grinned and handed me the bag.

i looked inside.

"it's empty," i turned back to him and he was on one knee. "i'm not marrying you, Rafe Cameron."

"duh, it's a promise ring." he opened the box.

inside was a fairly sized sapphire ring.

it had tiny diamonds around the band, and the gem was held in place by four silver claws.

Rafe took it out and showed me a message carved on the inside.


"say yes!" Hector hissed, making me jump.

"you promise to sort yourself out?" i sighed.

"i promise!" Rafe nodded.

"and you promise to do what i say?"


"and you solemnly swear on yours and my life that you'll keep every promise?"

his head bobbed eagerly.

"go on then," i rolled my eyes and held out my hand as he slid the ring onto my finger.

Hector cheered, Rafe looked relieved, and i allowed myself a small smile.

"woah! you're not getting married are you?" Kelce whistled, spotting the ring.

"it's a promise ring," i held my hand out so he could inspect it.

we'd driven out and met him and Top to play crazy golf.

well, that was what Rafe had said.

all he was doing was putting drinks and food and equipment on Ward's tab.

so mature.

"Rafe Cameron!" a sing-song voice trilled.

"shit!" Rafe said, spotting Barry walking towards us. "stay here all of you," he strode towards Barry.

"who's that?" Top asked me.

"Barry. Rafe's dealer. the one he owes at least 7K."

i watched them talk, then made my way towards them.

Topper followed.

"huh? is that why your sister and her little pogue friends are goin' round stealin' 25K outta my house?" Barry shouted.

"my sister?" Rafe frowned. "look, i'm sure this can be sorted out."

Top's hand went round mine, making sure i wouldn't move.

Rafe put a hand on Barry's shoulder.

Barry grabbed his burned wrist, squeezing hard.

i wrenched my hand out of Toppers, grabbing the hand Barry had on Rafe, digging my nails in and drawing blood.

"you again?" Barry pushed Rafe, turning his attention to me.

he pinned me to the fence, putting his face close to mine.

i spat right at him.

he wiped his face, letting go of me, but as soon as he finished, he raised his hand to slap me.

Top forced his way between us, shielding me behind him.

i tried to get out, but he had me stuck.

"for fucks sake!" i stamped my foot.

"you got something to say, bro?" Barry yelled in Top's face.

"we'll get your money back, Barry!" Rafe said shakily.

"yeah, you'd better," Barry let go of Top's shirt roughly, and got back in his car.

"god, Juno! why'd you always have to come rushing to save Rafe!" Topper got off me.

Rafe was already making his way towards his bike.

"you know he wouldn't do the same for anyone else. maybe not even you," he said in a lower voice.

"i know," i made my way to Top's bike, deciding to ride with him.

"where are we going?" he called to Rafe.

"to find my little sister," he called back, roaring off.

"guess we're just meant to follow, then." Top sighed.

we drove around Figure Eight and then The Cut, finally spotting the Pogues' beat up VW after about an hour.

Rafe sped up, driving next to them and signalling for them to pull over.

"what the fuck, Rafe! are you trying to get killed?" Sarah yelled, getting out of the van.

Rafe pulled her away, obviously talking to her about the money.

Topper got off the bike and i followed him over to John B.

"JB." i greeted the boy.

"JW." he nodded.

i rolled my eyes at him, remembering the mistaken summer i'd spent with the pogues years ago.

ALWAYS || RAFE CAMERON Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora