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"June." Rafe shook me awake.

i sat up and winced.

last nights activities had felt amazing at the time, but i was paying the price now.

"get dressed, we're moving the gold after lunch."

i slithered out of bed, landing pathetically on the floor.

Rafe laughed and scooped me up, walking into the bathroom.

he put me down, making me lean on him while he ran a bath.

i reached to take my clothes off, then realised i wasn't wearing any.

i sat down heavily on the edge of the marble tub as Rafe laughed again, running his hands through my knotty hair.

"what's up with you?" he grinned.

i gave him a dirty look and he chuckled again.

"why are you so happy?" i croaked.

"because i'm spending quality time with a Dad who's proud of me, and the girl i love most. plus the fact that this evening we're going to be a quarter of a billion dollars richer." his eyes shone.

"what? Ward's splitting the money?"

"yep! 125 million each... but i was thinking we could put half of the money into a joint account to go towards the house, and then split the other 125 between us for personal? that's 62.5 million each?"

he spoke as it we were discussing $125.

i laughed. "yes! yeah that's an amazing idea!"

he hugged me tight.

"Raf-" i began, but it was too late.

i slipped off the side of the tub, and we both landed in the warm water.

we resurfaced, laughing and kissing.

"i love you, Juno. you know if you do change your name to Wills-Cameron, your initials would be WC, like a toilet."

"shut up." i flicked water at him.

he removed his sopping shirt, throwing it on the floor.

there was a knock at the door. "Juno, Rafe, you've got a half-hour!" Ward called.

Rafe rolled his eyes. "c'mon. i'll wash you."

"what do you have planned for tomorrow?" i croaked.

"i was thinking we could have a pool day." he searched for body wash.

"Rafe Fucking Cameron, don't even test me."

he laughed. "yes, yes. well, seeing as you'll be a legal adult tomorrow, i'm taking you out shopping, then for dinner and cocktails at one of those places you texted to me."

"and you won't complain while we shop?"

"i won't complain while you shop. i don't need any new clothes!"

"neither do i, but it doesn't mean i won't get some!"

he rolled his eyes and began to wash me, his cold hands gently scrubbing me.

"there," he said proudly when he finished.

"congratulations," i wrapped myself in the towel he gave me.

i dressed in perfect gold moving clothes.

denim shorts, a black crop top and trainers... plus my chanel bag.

"you look hot." Rafe walked in, drying his hands on his shorts.

"i know,"

"i know you know, now i know too." he put his arms around my waist, lifted me up and spun me round.

ALWAYS || RAFE CAMERON Where stories live. Discover now