Chapter Three

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Today was Friday meaning Chris party. Our group doesn't usually go to parties mostly because we're too busy or just don't like going but today for some reason we all agreed it would be a good choice to go.

I decided to wear a silky red dress with some necklaces to tie the whole outfit together. The guys were all wearing a normal outfit they would usually wear to school, while Mathias was wearing a full black outfit even though it was simple it looked Good on him. Emphasis on the Good.

Gross Adelina

Grace decided to take some clothes from me and wore regular jeans with a random cropped shirt she found. It was a baggy one like the ones I used to love to wear until my mom said it like and I quote "it's horrendous that you look like a hobo from the street" ever since I haven't worn anything too baggy out of the house.

Once we're done I open the doors to walk out of my room and the first thing I see is all guys gushing over my dog. Storm has been my dog since I was 15 and we have been inseparable ever since I love the little guy.

"You guys better not be hurting my dog or causing him any time of pain" I warn, and the guys quickly get up from the floor all expect for Nico.

We told Dylan and Max to come to the house so we can all leave together. 'I totally forgot to tell Alex' is what I'm going with if they ask anything.

"You guys ready it's 9:30?" Mathias says

"Are we late?" Dylan asks I shake my head no as I'm putting in my earrings "fashionably late" I smirk as does he.

I like Dylan he's nice. Brown ash hair and perfect blue eyes he could be a model if he wanted perfect body and face structure. Not one single hair strand out of place in that head of his. He could pass as a wealthy kind of guy if he wanted but I admire that he doesn't lie and isn't afraid to be himself even in a school full of judgmental people.

Max on the other hand I haven't gotten to talk to him as much he is mostly more reserved from what I can tell. Impeccable fashion taste even though he might not have as much money as us he definitely can make it into the fashion industry probably could be a fashion model he has the body he's tall and that face can enchant any girl.

I look closely to both guys before making a decision. "I'll be right back I need to make a call" I say making Mathias groan. he hates being late to anywhere except school.

"Okay great I'll give you their details, have a great night" I tell the woman on the phone.

"Are we ready now?" Nico asks coming into the kitchen, I nod putting my phone in my purse before we all walk out and head over to the club.

"Woah" Dylan mumbles next to me.

"Do you want alcohol or water?" Mathias asks me "I'll take a drink" I tell him as he nods slightly. It's been a few years since I have gotten drunk and everyone knew it that's probably why he was looking at me weirdly.

"You sure?" I nod again and he leaves to the bartender for our drinks. "Let's dance" I say grabbing Dylan's hand pulling him into the dance floor. We dance to three songs before we both get tired and go back to where everyone is sitting.

"Where's my drink?" I ask him as I sit back down. "Didn't bring you one" he shrugs taking a sip of his "then why did you ask?" I furrow my eyebrows "I was going to bring it but I don't think you should get drunk" he says "why shouldn't I get drunk everyone else is" I gesture to all the teens or adults dancing and drinking around us.

"Because someone can take advantage of you or put something in your drink" he explains "that's why you get my drinks remember I only drink them around you, Nico or Liam duh we already settled this" during freshman year we decided that me and grace would only drink if one of the guys gave it to us. They all decided they would get our drinks and if they think we shouldn't get drunk one night because it wouldn't be safe or too many people were around we would listen and not drink they even went as far as make a contract for us to sign.

"It's in the contract if we think it's not safe to drink then you listen"

"But Mathias" I whine making him laugh

"Too many people are around and I can't just keep my eye on you grace is around too"

"You don't have to keep an eye on me I have Dylan and Max too plus Nico and Liam are around"

"Somewhere" I look around and spot them all around the room. "Remember last time what happened" he raises an eyebrow

"Do you always have to bring that up it was just a kiss you know what forget it I won't drink Theo"

"You're mad"

"No really how can you tell" I say in the same tone as his voice or try to at least

"You call me Mathias regularly but when your mad you switch to Theo like when we were kids" he explains.

"I have a question"

"I won't answer it so don't try to"

"Fine" I don't even try and fight he will dodge the question if it's the last thing he does.

"What are you two still doing sitting down omg are you two bac-" Liam says but gets cut off by himself falling onto the couch where Mathias and I are sitting

"No, and we were never together idiot" I hit him on the head as I'm getting up but then I get the urge to hit Mathias on the head too.

"What as that for" he massages the part I hit him while Liam laughs at him "felt like it" I shrug smiling at him "take care of this idiot"

"Why me where are you going?"

"I'm going with Nico and he's drunk as shit" I signal to the drunk redhead half asleep on the couch

"If your going to him for your drink he's not going too I told him and he said the same about grace"

Dammit what about the others?

"Max and Dylan think the same if your thinking about them"

How does he know what I was thinking

"I know how you are" he says incredulously

If you can read my mind what drink am I thinking of

"I'm not reading your mind I'm just good at knowing stuff" he smirks

I scoff throwing him the middle finger as I walk away I can hear his laugh echo even with loud ass music playing his laugh is the only thing I could hear. It's always been my favorite type of music.

And that's when my memories of us keep floating around and I know I really need a drink tonight. But unfortunately the bartender knows about our contract so he won't let me get a drink by myself so I try and find little rich stoners.

"Mike! Heyy!" I tell the guy who's name is probably not mike. "Adelina what's up it's Aaron"

"Close enough anyways do you have any pre rolled" I whisper into his ear

"Yeah, want one?"

"No I'm just asking for the police outside of course I want some you idiot" he gives me a scowl before handing me one.

"Here, 30 dollars"

As I'm about to grab it but someone knocks it off mikes hands "dude that was a fat one why did you do that" mike whines

"Theo what the fuck"

"We're all leaving c'mon you'll get high another day" he grabs my wrist walking me out. "We haven't even been here for long though?"

"This one is gone already and keeps throwing up" of course it's the ginger "But the shit mike was selling looked good"

"He doesn't even sell good stuff and 30 for that? no good "

"Dammit Mike was going to skam me?"

"his name is Aaron but yeah basically he was"

"Can we buy some soon from someone else that isn't him?"

"We'll have a whole garden now come on" I look up to him and send him a sheepish smile him returning it before getting in the passenger seat of his car.

Stupid mike.

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