Chapter Thirty Six

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More people than we planned showed I guess that the word got out of the party but the more the merrier either way I don't care Grace and I are making the guys clean the mess for us anyways.

"Lina It's been a while since you threw a party what changed" A drunk Christian who I had chemistry class with comes up to me he can barely stand up which is amusing to see, christian is not the type to come to parties let alone drink in them "Nothing changed just thought we all needed a last pasty before we all go separate ways but anyways what changed with you, you're not the type to actually show up to a party let alone drink" He laughs

"A friend of mine texted me telling me you were throwing a party I just had to see for myself" He grins as he takes a slow sip of his drink, Im not sure if this is him trying to seduce me or im just full of myself that I think everyone wants me. I feel weird just as he looks at me he's not ugly at all he has good face features but he's not my type. That and im a complicated state with Mathias right now.

"Wanna go out and see the lake?" he asks, now im in a very awkward position if I do agree will he try and kiss me? Or even worst what if I reject the offer and he does something even though I know he's not that type of guy but I also thought Logan was not 'that type of guy' As if grace heard or saw me in a crisis she came up to us.

"Come on babe lets dance sorry random guy but im taking her" She yells over the music christian doesn't seem faced and walks away "Thanks G" I yell as she pulls my arm "I don't know what you mean but anytime now dance with me" She smiles and I can't help but smile back. We sway our hips side to side as we dance, were both half drunk and it's hot as fuck. The harder and more we dance the sweatier we keep getting.

I keep getting looks from guys as we dance and as much as I want to ignore the stares I can't, I want to know if it's because I look good as Grace said or is it because I look horrible. I crave the male validation, but I'm not validated if it's not him.

My navy blue silk dress stops at about mid thigh. I wore a push up bra, so my cleavage is out to there. My five inch stiletto make my legs look impossibly long. As I walk away from grace to pour myself another drink I notice mathias talking to a girl who I believe her name is bella he's laughing at something  she had said, She's way too close I catch a glance of her pushing his chest in a flirty manner making my blood boil. I turn around to the other small bar of drinks, I can't stand looking at this. I clench my teeth as I can feel that he's following me.

He saw me.

A small squeak flies out of my mouth when I'm tugged backwards hitting his chest in the process. Mathias lips brush my ear as he talks "If you wore that just to tease, its working" I spin around and try and level him with a glare but even in heels this guy is feets taller. "Im wearing this for myself not everything revolves around you" I smirk, he is right though I did wear this because I know his type and if he's going to hit on someone it's going to be me one way or another.

As I pour myself a mixed drink of god knows what I can feel his gaze on the other guys I guess that's a benefit of looking like sex in heels, Mathias rumbles out an annoyed sound and galres at them, I believe this stare works very well when they avert their eyes from me. "Mathias" I say in an annoyed tone when im quite the opposite of it, I love it when he's protective it's hot"What are you going to do next? yell from the rooftop that no one can look at me?" His eyes flash "If that's what it takes then yeah I will" I ignore him as I take one last shot and settle it down on one of the tables.

I might like it when he's protective but that doesn't mean im all his were nothing right now. He hasn't exactly expressed his feelings towards me and im not going to be around someone who can't be up straight with me, Im completely single  until I hear a actual conversation from him saying he wants me but actually wants me as his girlfriend.

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