Chapter Seventeen

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In all his glory he walks up to me I could recognize him by touch alone by smell I would know him blind. The way his breaths came and his feet touched the mighty ground it was impossible not to recognize him his eyes trailing all around my body making my stomach turn and my skin almost melt when he touches me if only he knew how much power he had over me, he wouldn't believe it.

His eyes moving up and down my body checking me out making my stomach turn almost a million times that I almost felt like throwing up on how nervous he makes me just by the slightest look by those big brown eyes. As he leaned in, I woke up.

"Fucking Hell!!" I yell hitting my face with the small pillow I didn't even realize was hugging. That's when I hear someone knock on my door, yelling to come in the housekeeper came to check on me and I had to reassure her I was doing fine.

This is the third time this week that this stupid asshole invades my dreams and it's never those sweet ones it always those dirty dreams that you would have with a celebrity but no instead its the guy you never even dated.

"Are you okay I heard you yell" Nico comes in with his plaid pajamas and no shirt but instead his blanket from when we were kids to cover him. I give him the middle finger before getting up.

"It took you that long to check up on me? the housekeeper came faster than you, What if she was the killer I would be dead by now" I scowled at him, when I turned around I see him wrapped up in my duvet back asleep making me throw him a makeup brush I had laying around.

"What was that for you slut" He groans throwing it back at me. I did the most childish thing I thought of and stuck my tongue out to him. Once he got up I got scared and ran with him following close behind. That was fun until I hit someone's broad chest and fell on my butt.

"Stupid ass" he laughs holding out a hand for me to grab.

"Oh hey what are you doing here" Nico says casually while I massage my ass from the hard floor. "You told me to be here at 7 in the morning what do mean 'what are you doing here" He scoffs. "What's going on today that you had him come at7?" I ask nico.

"Well..." He starts but then stops making me and knight look at each other in confusion.

"We have school in an hour hurry" I tell him rolling eyes. "It's something that is not appropriate for kids your age" Nico says putting his finger on his lips signaling me to shut up. This motherfucker I should've ate him in the womb if I had the change again. I wonder if mom would find it her heart to forgive me for killing her son. Perhaps not, I mean I would be doing us both a favor it's not like she cares anyways.

"I hope a train runs you over" I hissed at him going back up the stairs. "Your first" He yelled flipping me off.

_ _ _ _

School absolutely drains me from any sort of energy I have It might not be much but whatever I do have even if it's the slightest amount, but this stupid school takes it all. Don't get me wrong I love school but I hate the two faced people in it or the mean ass teachers that yell at you for the slightest things. I could accidentally drop my pencil and she or he takes offence to it. Thankfully I only have a few more months until I graduate.

Ever since I was little I dreamed of walking up that stage and getting my diploma. Some girls dream of walking down the aisle while all I dreamed of was walking up and getting my diploma handed to me. I had my life planned out, go to school, finish school, get diploma, go to college, and run my parents industry but now I don' t know if I want any of that I've seen what putting your heart and soul in a corporation does to you I've seen what It did to my parents and im terrified that it will happen to me.

I would love to get married have kids maybe but im scared that if I do they will have to live like I did with both of their parents missing most of their childhood or having to know how to take care of yourself at the age of 10. I don't want that life for them I want to be successful but I also want someone to come home to and not come home to a sad lonely house all dark and no noise.

I can't predict the future as much as I wished but I want it to be something I think I deserve, I might not deserve much thanks to my privileged life but at the same time I do believe I deserve something even if I already have everything.

My grandmother taught me that Life doesn't rhyme. she told me how Your first kiss isn't as important as your last. To Get caught in the rain, laugh out loud when you're alone, Go on adventures and get lost. Paint even though your not an artist. Really get to know people, Accept that you will fail that math test. Get your heart broken and put those pieces back together. Put your hand up in class just to get it wrong, wonder about things and so on I could go on forever but if there is one thing I learned from life even though I haven't lived much is to Never regret anything, at one time it was exactly what you wanted. Forgive and forget. Don't hold anything back. Live for the music, the moments. Because nobody lives forever, and life is really, really short.

And i've stuck with that ever since.

Walking into my last class felt like heaven it's the one class we do absolutely nothing in mostly because its a free period I don't get why they don't let us out if we're not gonna do anything anyways.

"Does anyone have the answer for number 20 in kingsleys class" I hear Liam yell as Im about to enter the class but get slightly pushed aside by a male figure. It had to be none other than Knight of course "Sorry darling just passing through" He says holding my waist by the tip of his fingers to pass through sending shivers down my spine to the bottom part of my toes.

"Lin do you have the homework sheet for kingsleys class he's on my ass for it" Liam sighs

"Yeah here" I say handing it to him but then a chuckle from the other side of the room clouded my mind.

I look behind me to see Mathias with a brunette girl they're sitting next to each other laughing and giggling. I tried not to make it seem like much at first until I see him grab her hand. My heart fell down to my ass.

I don't care their is no more Mathias knight anyways. This time I had to mean it. I had to. Especially with him  actually around.

But I knew myself too well, this was never going to be over.

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