Chapter Fourty Two

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Nobody knows where life will take them maybe you want to be an astronaut right now but later you become a pop singer, either way someone can have their whole life planned out from beginning to end but not everything goes according to plan sometimes or well most times there's bumps in the road.

I'm that someone, I didn't get accepted to Harvard last night they send out letters if you got accepted or not well I was the 'not' but I knew that this might happen and I did what every other person does, I put out other places to enroll in. I got accepted everywhere even Stanford!

Stanford university, the place where my grandfather studied I thought I was supposed to go to Harvard like my parents but maybe it's not my path. "I got in!" Comes Nico yelling as he drops his corn dog on my carpet.

"Hey!" Grunting to pick up the corn dog I throw it aiming for his head but his stupid hockey reflexes catches it. "Whata about you? He chewed with his mouth open as he took my letter from my hand causing me to give him a disgusted look.

"I didn't get in" he makes an 'oh' sound trying not to sound too shocked by the news "what you gonna do"

"I got accepted somewhere else" I smile even tough I'm still sad about not getting into my dream school. He nods for me to go on as he eats "Stanford"

"Where granddad went?" I nod "They have a good law department" He shrugs, I mean it's true standford ain't all that bad it has many things and many opportunities I think im just so caught up in the idea of following my parents footsteps I have no idea what I want.

"Lin you don't have to live by moms rules you know she doesn't care stop trying to make her realize you are something and instead make yourself realize you are more than someone"

"Wow since when did you get so wise" I tease "Alex was here yesterday?" He changes the subject as he scans the room which is a mess, clothes, blankets, water bottles, and even more clothes everywhere.

"Yeah she left this morning her parents are moving her somewhere they think this place has too many trauma for her which they are right" I tell him he slowly nods understanding, I'm pretty sure my brother has had a crush on Alex for some time so this news might not be the best for him but it is the best for Alex which is why she's not fighting the move.

"We'll that's good for her" He says softly walking out of my room down the stairs.

Later that day we all went out to a restaurant that the guys picked out as a celebration for god knows what, there is not much to celebrate today at least for me I wanted harvard but they didn't want me. That made me realize of what the hell im going to tell my mom. Carolina Arrison is not a woman that you want to disappoint when she gets mad it's like looking at a very angry lion who wants to eat you every single minute of the day.

"Hey, you okay?" Mathias whispers besides me I shift from my chair before answering

"Yeah im good" I smile at him trying not to show him that im actually not feeling being out tonight I just want to crawl into my bed and cry for being a failure my mom is going to hate me or even worse disown me. He just nods before going back to the group conversation but he puts his hand on my thigh massaging it without even realizing it he starts going up to the zipper of my jeans. He is even horny when he's zoned out into something else.

He is getting me wet without even trying I swear this man can slide his hand accidentally by my arm and my panties would be soaking.

"It's not good getting me wet at a public place" I whisper to his ear which I earn a cocky grin in return as he drinks a drink given by one of our friends "What can I say im that good plus we have done it in places more public than this" He argues

"Liar no we haven't" He acts shocked "Lin we have like that one time at the ferris wheel or that other time at chuck e cheese" I laugh remembering the time we were so close to getting caught by the rat. "Or that other time at a pool oh and that other time at your parents penthouse" He wiggles his eyebrows "Might I say that bed was ridiculously comfortable" He winks as my cheeks grow red no one needs to know details of us doing it in my parents bed, my mother would hate me even more than she already does.

Before I know it he's slowly unzipping my zipper from my jeans showing only abit of my pink lace pantys. "Not here" I grunt

"Well your clit says other wise" he slides one of his fingers in that small peak showing causing me to stop a gasp from escaping my lips.

"Let me Fuck you" he whispers massaging my pussy more.

"Jesus Christ" He pulls out his finger when the whole group starts up a conversation with us after the waiter comes up behind us. "Later" he locks eyes with me as he licks his finger quickly.

"Guys the dessert tastes devious try it" Liam pushes the strawberry cake our way "Already had some but probably will have some more later" he tells him but sends a sneaky wink my way.

"Grace try it because I know you will be crying about it later" She gasps "I only cried once that was because I was on my period you idiot ginger" he completely ignored her statement and made his own question like always.

"Guys is it true that cramps hurt more than getting hit in the balls?" It almost in a second we all answered "Yes!"

"No fucking way balls hurt more it's like dying and coming back" Nico argues

"Okay if it hurts more try getting hit ten times every hour for five to seven days straight" I tell them "I will get blue balls not the horny kind though"

"No motherfucking way cramps hurt that bad" Theo says next to me "if only you knew"

A Two Year DesireNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ