Chapter 32

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Forth pov:

I went into the room and sat beside mom and laid my head on her lap.

She is shocked at my behaviour and after some time started carresing my hair. She had tears in her eyes.

Is something happened honey my mother asked

I just shook my head and told I am sorry mom and dad forgive me

They started getting worried because i never became this weak.

What's wrong did something happened dad asked me

No Dad I just failed to understand you and behave stubbornly. With my actions I caused so much pain. Sorry mom sorry dad forth told.

It's not your fault it's our fault forth Dad said.

Yes honey... It's our fault not to explain the situation properly. We thought that u are mature enough to understand . It's our fault to forget that u are still a child who needs attention. We can not afford to lose the company. So many lives depends on our company. If it goes to wrong hands it will cost lives. Its not like what you think we will never choose money status over you. You are our only priority. Sorry forgive us..
Mom started crying while hugging me

Dad also joined the hug with tears in his eyes.

Nothing is too late to start again I told them

They nooded their head and smiled happily.

Mom dad I need to tell u something

I love someone I told

Okay.. When are you going to introduce us Dad asked calmly.

May be u won't like my relationship because I am in love with a boy not a girl I told

So what love has no gender. U can love anyone as long as u are happy with them mom told

Happy reading

Love u all
Stay home stay safe


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