Chapter 13

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Keneshas Prov

"What the fuck leo!" I shouted angrily
"Hey, watch your mouth. The kids are upstairs." Leonard said clearly tired of us arguing

"Don't tell me to watch my fucking mouth. I would be watching my mouth if you weren't here spouting bullshit."

"would you stop cussing. I know your ang..."
"of course I'm angry. What did you expect if you tell someone something like that."

"it's not that bad kenesha, your just making a big deal out of nothing. Plus, if it was any other woman they'd be delighted I even approached them."

"Well, thank god for my uniqueness.Is that even a word. I don't know. Do you you want me to suck your dick just like what those women want?"

"that's inappropriate and has nothing to do with the situation."

"I know, I'm sorry. I tend to talk alot of nonsense when I'm angry.

"Apology accepted. Will you stop the nonsense now?"
"Your the one cussing for no reason."

"Leo, you threatened me. How else was I to act."

"I didn't threaten you. All I said was 'would you come with me to a event as my pulseone' and you started cussing."

"That's not what happened. Your making it seem like I started cussing for no good reason."
"What really happened was, you came into the kitchen and asked if I wanted to go as your pluseone to some event, and I said no. Apparently that wasn't the answer you were hoping for, so you said and I quote " Your coming wether or not you want to because I'm your boss and I said so." " you remembered that, or are you still having memory problems." I said giving him a sour look with my hands on my hips, while he stands there with his hands in his pocket and head down.

"Then I remember you clearly saying "you have to go because if you don't your fired" and then I started cussing."

"and I'll tell you again, I'm. Not. Going."
"Yes you are"
"No I'm not. Leonard, you know I don't like events like this from our previous conversations, so why are you making me go."

"kenesha I'm sorry and I don't like making you do things you don't want to, but I need someone to go with."

"Wha.. Your acting like you don't have any female friends."
"I don't. Your the only female friend I have."

When he said this my mind completely shut down,ok. It was like I was short-circuiting. I must of not heard that right, because, what man, doesn't have female friends.

Then a thought came to my mind and instead of thinking it out first, my mouth opened and started spuing my bullshit thoughts: "Are you trying to tell me your gay without actually telling me your gay?"

"What, I'm not gay."

"Then what is it then, ever man has at least 3 female friends, why don't you have any? Anyways, we're getting off topic. Why don't you ask one of your female Co-workers, or better yet, one of your model friends. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to go."

Sighing he said "kenesha, your going and that's final."
"bu.. "
"No buts...I know this event is too much for you and you might feel uncomfortable the entire time but, I need someone I know and trust with me." kissing my teeth I thought 'he's only saying this to try and sweet me up. He doesn't mean any of that' "plus you'll make the evening more eventful by just being there." he finished

" I hate this. Fine, I'll go but, I'm gonna need something to wear."

"Are you saying this just so I'll buy you something, or do you really have nothing to wear?"

The Sexy Alpha and his Fiesty chubby mate.On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara