Chapter 33

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"Leo!" I shout marching to the front door of our house and throwing it open. Marching into the sitting room, I spot Leonard lying on the couch half naked.

He sits up when he sees me coming towards him "Whoa babe what's up?"

"What's up, what's up? Well Leo what's up is I'm pregnant, with triplets."
"Kenisha, I already know your pregnant. In fact I've know for quite some time now."

"mmhmm, and yet you haven't told me anything. Wait. How did you know I was pregnant?"
"oh. Your smell changed, your stomach got bigger, your mood was all over the place and I'd feel the energy coming off the baby whenever my hand made contact with your stomach.. Oh and you missed your period 2 weeks ago."

"Wh...wh.. How, how did you know I missed my period? I never remembered sharing anything like that with you." He couldn't have smelt my period. I always ensure to take very good care of myself so I don't smell whether or whether or not, I'm on my period.

"uhh. I hope this isn't weird but I keep track of your periods. That's why you never run out of pads, I always re-stock for you."

"Well... I'm shocked, blown away actually. Thank you but don't you find it uncomfortable."

"No. I'm actually the one who helped Dwacia through her first period, plus I buy all her pads or tampons when she doesn't remember, or when she feels too shy about it."

"The only think I hate however are the adoring looks women of all ages give me whenever I go shopping for them. One time a group of old ladies all took turns to pinch my cheeks and squish my face. My cheeks were sore for the rest of the day, I could hardly smile during my meetings, even though I don't really smile during those."

Shaking my head to get back on topic my mouth says "Anyways why didn't you tell me I was pregnant or could be pregnant?"

"You were being so oblivious to the whole thing, I decided to just let you figure it out yourself. Plus the annoyed and confused faces you make are really cute."

"Did you also know that we're having triplets?"
"No, but that makes me even more happier!" he shouts jumping up off the couch and doing a little dance.

"Let's go out to celebrate with the kids." "OK when?"
"But the kids are in school."
"Your right... I'll just make up an excuse to get them out early, come on."

1 Week Later

It's been one week since that day and almost every day I have to spend away from the kids. The paparazzi is getting nosier by the minute, desperately trying to find information and get pictures of Leonard Combárdo and his lover.

The lover everyone is curious about. The lover Melinda know knows is me, the lover he is ashamed of, according to the media.

Our life has turned into one of those clique Hollywood movies, we're we have to disguise ourselves whenever we meet up or want to meet up. Especially in public.

I really hate it because I'm still early in my pregnancy and my mood is all over the place. One minute I want to kill those nosey bitches, the next I'm crying uncontrollably for no reason or sometimes, for the stupidest reasons I've ever heard. Leo loves it all and has been enjoying every moment of it.

Today is his photoshoot. Yes, he has a photoshoot, it's with one of the biggest magazine companies ever "Vogue" and I'm accompanying him. No disguises because the photographer is one of his bestfriends and the CEO of Vogue is a childhood friend. So basically they know everything, from him being a werewolf (the Alpha King that is), me being his mate, my Luna fight, my victory and of course my pregnancy.

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