Chapter 24

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Dropping the groceries I ran over and jumped into his arms laughing with him swinging me around.
"Fuck Sabertooth is he your?"
"Yup. He's my son, remember I told you about my son Leonel?" I nodded "that's him" he says

"What? No, his name is Leonard."
"He changed it."
Turning to Leonard I said "You fucking piece of shit."

"umm, sorry but what did I do now"? Leonard asked and I was about to open my mouth and respond when a slightly deep but soft and small voice says "Don't talk to my son like that, who do you think you are, and don't you see kids around why are you cussing so much?"

Turning to where the voice came from, I see a short guy(looks to be around my height 5'6) who's face has dissapointment, anger and jealousy all over it. I didn't want to be disrespectful to a member of Leonards family so early on in the meeting.

So, with confusion and annoyance lacing my voice I asked "Who's he?" and Gus(Leonards dad) opens his mouth to answer but the guy spoke first.
"I'm Leonard's other father and the man you have your disgusting arms and legs wrapping around is my husband, his father, my mate. " his voice held dis-like plus the face he made/makes when he look/s/ed at me said/s it all. This man doesn't like me.

And I don't like him now either. But because he's Leonard's father, I was trying to not lash out on this guy. "oh" I said unwrapping my arms and legs from around Gus and walking over to stand in front of him. I stuck out my hand and said "Hi. I'm Kenesha and you are Sabertooths mate, Jason, I think."

Turning to Gus I ask "Is that what you said his name was?" he nods and I turn back around to catch Jason glaring at me.

"Oh I've heard alot about 'wolverine' from my husband, and alot about Kenisha from Leonard, but never in my life I expected either of them to look like.....'this'." he says gesturing to all of me.

"Jason/Papa?" a shocked Gus and Leonard shouted at his words. You can feel the tension that formed the minute Jason and I started talking, rise. Everyone was waiting for my response, except Jason, his face says 'I won'.

"Well sorry to disappoint you but this is all your getting. I do come with an additional attitude package but that's gonna cost you. And depending on how much attitude you want, it's gonna cost you more. So how much are you willing to pay for the extra package."

"You know, I never thought of being rude to one of my sons mates, but, I already hate you so no big deal."

"um papa, I haven't told her about the mate thing ye-" "No need to, the minute Gus said you were his son all the pieces finally came together and I figured out a thing or two. But we need to have a talk." I said cutting his sentence off
"oh, yeah, yeah, of course, of course." he says sitting back down in the chair he was in a minute ago.

Gus comes over and stands behind his mate and puts his hands on his shoulders. "Honey, she's the woman I told you about. The one that saved me from that rogue camp I was being held captive in, all those years ago."

" I know honey but you know I don't like her kind, especially those over weight ones who who don't know how to watch their weight."
"Jason!" Gus, leo's uncles and grandparent's shouted while his brothers and sisters shouted "Mom!"
"What, It's true. People like her make me sick. All they know is violence and crime. How many charges do you have on your record Missy?" he mockingly asks staring at me

With a blank face I say "Are you waiting for a reaction? Because if you are, this is as much if an reaction your gonna get on that comment."
"And to answer your question, none at the moment. All 5 of them got removed by a friend of mine who is in high power. All you'll find now is a few traffic tickets."

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