Chapter 36 (Final Chapter)

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Before we begin I just want to thank you guys for staying with me all this time and throughout the run of this book. Thank you for your love, support and dedication to reading this  book to the end, despite the long waits for an update. 

Kenesha's Prov 

I started to gain Consciousness When I realize that I was shaking. Not with my doing, but because of something else. 

I started to move around when I almost fell off of something. I scramble up only to be hit in the face by a tree branch.. wait, a tree branch? And that's when I look around and realize that I'm on the back of a really large wolf who is running effortlessly, extremely fast through the dense woods. 

And that's how I found myself dodging branches while gripping onto the wolfs back for dear life. After a couple of minutes the woods started to thin out and I could see Leonard and I's house coming into view.  

The wolf runs up to the door and knocks it off it's hinges entering the house and scooping it out before letting me down once he/she thought it was safe enough. 

I got down and started changing my empty rounds.

Behind me I can hear bones cracking and when I turned around and saw my rescuer, my face and mood deflated instantly. You wouldn't guess who it is. Jason, Leo's racist, prejudice, arrogant and annoying father, wo has tried killing me on many occasions.

"And here I was ready to thank my savoir, when my savoir turns out to be a self centered prick."  

" You could still thank me though. I didn't have to save your life back there." 

"Well why did you, because I certainty didn't ask you to."  

"B...b..because I realized I was wrong. I was wrong to treat you like I did. I was wrong to try and kill you plus sabotage my son and grand children's happiness. I was wrong about how you treat the kids, those kids have never been more well behaved and it was because of you." 

" The family and the pack have never been more happier, my son have never been more happier. I'm sorry for all I've done, for all the pain I've caused. I'm sorry. because of my selfishness I've lost the previlage of seeing my grand children both old and new. I hope you can forgive me?" he says 

He really looks sincere and sounds so too. But before I could answer, the rogues barge in and for the first and maybe last time ever, Jason and I fought along side each other, protecting one another and kicking butt.  

In the end our pack survived the attack with only 10 casualties. It was still a very sad. We held funerals for the deceased after we finished rebuild our pack house. 

The re-construction of the pack house didn't take long because of the support from other packs. So the pack house was done in 3 days. 

However despite the life's lost it didn't take long for things to go back to normal. In just a month every one is back to their usual selves, but maybe shedding a tear for deceased every once in a while but we're fine. Jason improved dearly and I have considered  that if he keep it up for 2 more months then I might allow him to see and be around the babies. 

And good news, Sannia is pregnant. It was very frustrating having to deal with her many mood swings, and I might of, could of, maybe, possibly, gotten too upset and maaayyybe shouted at her and went on a 30 minute rant about her nagging me and her getting emotional over the stupidest things. 

It worked out in the end since she stopped behaving over the top and is more calm and rational now. 

A couple months later Leo and I got into an argument about how tired I am of being the only one of us two of us doing the house. And about him being caught up in work that he doesn't do his part like the yard work and it stays there until I eventually do it. 

The Sexy Alpha and his Fiesty chubby mate.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora