Fake Boyfriend

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Fake Boyfriend

Cameron pulled Diego by the hand outside. Diego followed without any hesitation.

'Oh man if you are dragging me to the bathroom for some sexy time Cameron, I am so freaking ready." he laughed.

Chris joined them as they turned the corner into an empty hallway. Almost all of the kids were in the lunchroom today because it was drizzling and the normal lunch tables outside were wet.

Cameron stopped and triple checked no one was around but the three of them. Diego leaned against the lockers, at ease, as Chris and Cameorn stood in front of him. They glanced at each other, until Chris smacked Cameron's arm.

"Just ask him. He'll say yes."

"I don't know. This is so dumb." Cameron sighed.

All of Cameron's sensual mood disappeared with the cold, December air and changed to a sudden attack of nerves. It had seemed funny and maybe risky in a good way, when he and Chris were laughing about it earlier, but now....

"You're into guys, right?" he asked Diego with some trepidation. Cameron thought he was definitely getting that vibe, but Diego hadn't really come out and said it, yet.

"He is." Chris laughed.

Diego just rolled his eyes at Chris. "I'm into guys, Cameron." He confirmed. "But really, right now, I'm just into you. Or hopefully I will be soon."

Cameron shuffled his feet, looking at Chris for help. Chris sighed dramatically.

"Cameron and I were wondering if you would be interested in...."

Diego's eyes lit up and he grinned, interrupting. "No freaking way! A threesome? You bet! I am so your man!"

Cameron groaned, and hid his hands in his face. "No, you pervert!" Chris shouted, kicking Diego. "Jeez, you and your everlasting dirty mind!"

Cameron felt an arm encircle his waist and he was pulled into a hard, muscular chest. "What's going on,Cameron?" Ryan asked calmly, gaze locked onto his boy.

The smaller boy startled and looked from Ryan to Chris, then back to Ryan.

"It's ok," Ryan murmured, squeezing Cameron closer. "It was obvious in the lunchroom you already told him."

"I didn't! I didn't tell him! He just guessed." Cameron panicked. He turned, so he was facing Ryan, who just nuzzled his hair.

"It's ok. What are you wearing? You look so hot,"  He traced a finger on Cameron's exposed collarbone,  "but save it for our private time. Don't wear it to school again, promise?" His finger moved up to Cameron's jaw. All of a sudden sexy feelings were returning. Cameron bit his lip.

 "I promise," he breathed, kissing Ryan's finger. 

"Good boy," Ryan whispered into his ear.

"Uhhhhhh.....excuse us! We're still here." Chris said with a laugh. Cameron blushed and tried to pull away but Ryan kept him to his side.

"So is anyone going to tell me what's going on?" Ryan asked with a pointed glance at Diego.

"Don't look at me! I thought Cameron was going to let me ride the roller coaster, but now I'm confused as all fuck." said Diego. Thankfully he just sounded amused and not annoyed.

Chris gestured for Cameron to speak.

"So...Diego, you know Ryan is dating Miranda, right?"

"Uhhh, yeah, I guess, but after the display I just saw, I have no idea why."

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