First Day

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Pic above is my inspiration for Ryan

Cameron opened his eyes to his alarm, reached out and turned it off. 7:30.

It was finally here. First day of his last year of high school. Senior year. Who the hell knows where he would be a year from now?

He glanced over at the bed next to him. Nothing. No response.

Sitting up, rubbing his face, Cameron breathed in and out slowly. He stood up and leaned over towards Ryan's bed. Leah was most likely already with Jess on their way to school, since their day started at 8:00. Thankfully he didn't have to deal with getting her ready or making her breakfast. His mom said that mornings would be her responsibility, although he still had to pick Leah up after school.

But now it looked like he had traded one Moore for the other.

"Hey, Ryan. C'mon, man, it's time to get up."


A little louder. "It's 7:30. We gotta get going. It's an hour till the first bell."


He reached out and pulled the comforter off the sleeping boy, exposing his head and shoulder. He gently pushed the bare shoulder.

"C'mon, man. Wake up."

Ryans eyes opened. He looked down at Cameron's hand on his shoulder.

"Sorry. I'm sorry. I tried calling you..." Cameron trailed off, pulling his hand back, falling back onto his bed.

"Mmmmm, it's cool."

Ryan sat up running his hand through his dark brown hair.

"So...we haven't really talked about going to school or like.....mornings, or whatever," Cameron stumbled. "Do you want to take a shower first or..."

Ryan looked over at him. Despite having lived here for a week almost, Cameron had spent a majority of his time with Leah and barely spoke to Ryan. This was the first time they were alone in the house.

Cameron tried again.

"So, yeah...I usually just eat breakfast first and then like, y'know, just shower, get dressed and go. I walk to school. It's pretty close and...." he trailed off.

Ryan just stared at him.

"I think my mom left your class schedule on the table..."

"You going to make me chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream?" Ryan interrupted. He looked up at the ceiling, then over at Cameron.

"Ummmm..." What the hell?

"Ummmmm, I guess? If you want me to?"

Ryan stood up and grabbed his towel, glancing down at Cameron.

"I'm just messing with you. I don't usually eat breakfast. I'll take my shower first."

Cameron sat on his bed for a few minutes, blowing out his breath slowly, having realized he'd been holding it awkwardly as Ryan looked down at him. He heard the shower turn on, and he looked at the floor. Running his hand through his hair to tame his bed head, he got up and went downstairs.

Ten minutes later, he was eating some granola and yogurt, with some avocado smeared on toast at the table in the kitchen. They didn't have a dining room or anything, it was a pretty small house, but Cameron loved their kitchen because it got a lot of morning light in the two windows. There were a few cupboards filled with mismatched dishes and glasses, mostly from the collection of relatives who'd passed away or some cheap sets off Amazon. The table was pretty beat up, paint smears from when he was younger and scratches from when they'd had Mr. Bo Bo, their black and white cat who'd run away last year. But Cameron was used to it, didn't even see it.

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