Just for Fun: Nate's Story

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JFF Part Two: Nate's Story:  

A/N:  Just to be super clear, don't forget that this is a story that Nate is telling around the campfire when the three couples are camping the woods.  Each boy is going to tell their own version of what might have happened if Ryan never moved in with Cameron; a made up fantasy where Cameron falls in love with them.  First will by Nate, then Jason, then Diego. Enjoy.  

"What the fuck are you doing, Nate?" Dylan asked as his swim captain peeked cautiously around the corner of the science hallway, first day of school.

"Shhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Shut the fuck up, he's coming." Nate backpedaled, leaning nonchalantly against the lockers, cell out, pretending to flip through his socials.  A boy, short with sandy brown shoulder length hair, in jeans and a black hoodie, passed in front of him, head down, walking slowly down the hall, until he entered a classroom.

Nate sighed dreamily and bit his lip. Cameron looked so good, so cute, just like last year.

"What's your deal? What was the drama about?" Dylan asked, clueless.

"Nothing. Let's go." Nate pulled away, grinning, glad to see his crush on the first day. Now he knew where his first period was. He could only hope he had a class with him again this year. Maybe all his classes! That would be so awesome.


But no such luck. Nothing. At least no classes together before lunch. But Nate still held out hope for a miracle in the afternoon.

Masses of kids swirled in eddies around him, most heading for tables outside, but some going to the lunchroom. Nate scrunched up his nose, undecided. He knew his guys would be expecting him at their spot near the basketball court to eat, but he really wanted to see Cameron. And he knew just where to find him.

Several minutes later, Nate threw his backpack down and sat in the oversize chair in the school library. He grabbed a random book off the shelf and pretended to read it. But couldn't repress a huge grin when he saw Cameron enter the room, aimlessly wandering around, idly touching book spines as he walked up and down the aisles. Nate's eyes all but fell out of their sockets when the boy chose a book and sat down in the chair opposite him.

Oh god, Nate thought. This is it. What the hell should he say. Ummmmm.... Jesus. This was a perfect chance to talk to him. But his mind was empty. He couldn't think of a flipping thing to say.

Nate coughed a little, sitting up and pretending to look amazed at what he was reading. He turned the page every few minutes, making oohing and ahhing noises, and once even murmuring, "Fascinating." He continually flicked his eyes up to check in on Cameron. He was gratified that he caught Cameron looking at him a few times. Of course he would look, thought Nate. Here he was, super hot awesome gay dude, a feast set right before the shorter boy. He can't keep his eyes off me, he thought. This is going to be easier than he hoped!

The bell rang loudly, cutting invasively through the silence of the library. Nate's heart leapt into his throat as Cameron paused, looking down at Nate.

"Ummmmm..." Cameron stuttered.

Oh my god!!!! Was Cameron going to ask him out!!!! "Yes?" Nate said in a sexy voice.

"Ummmm...your.....your book is upside down." Cameron pointed, confused, then shaking his head, walked away.


A week later and Nate was supremely frustrated. No classes together. Nothing. The only times he saw Cameron were at lunch if he decided to ditch his friends and head to the library, or stalking him in the halls. Of course he had memorized Cameron's schedule. But nothing! How the hell was he supposed to figure out if Cameron was into guys or not?

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