Later that Night

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Chapter Five: Later That Night

Leah came home tired and grouchy. The first thing she did was fling her crayons on the floor and stomp on them.

Jess looked at her.

"Clean that up now."

"No!" she stomped her foot, looking up at Jess.

Cameron had been reading on the couch when they burst in and proceeded to battle in front of him.

He looked quizzically at his mom who just rolled her eyes looking down at the little girl turned demon.

"What did you have for lunch?" Cameron asked her as she glared up at Jess.


"Nothing? I know that Anne must have given you lunch," Jess said, relieved with the distraction Cameron offered.

"Nothing! Except hot dogs, and I hate hot dogs, so I didn't eat anything!"

Cameron stood up, and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Clean up your crayons, and sit at the table. I'll make you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich."

"Kay." she said, her shoulders sagging. She stooped to clean up her crayons as Jess beat a hasty retreat up stairs.

A glass of milk, apple slices and a sandwich later, Leah was falling asleep on the table, her head propped up by her little hands. Cameron picked her up and carried her to her room, passing his open door, glimpsing Ryan as he gamed on his bed. Ryan raised his eyebrows and Cameron just shrugged. He carried Leah into her room and tucked her in bed.

Falling onto his own bed felt fantastic. Already today he'd done more on a Saturday than he could believe. He felt Ryan looking over at him.

"I'm just going to take a nap," Cameron mumbled. "Wake me up if the house catches on fire."

All he heard was a chuckle, as he drifted off.


The room was dark. He was having an amazing dream. Someone was running their fingers through his hair. He couldn't remember a time when anyone ever did that. He'd read about people doing it in books. It felt....wonderful. He was cozy and safe and comforted. But suddenly the feeling ghosted away as reality seeped in. Ryan was just standing near his bed looking down at Cameron.

"Hey. You slept for like two hours. You mom made spaghetti. Do you want to get up for dinner?"

"Yeah." He sat up slowly, stretching and running his hands through his hair. Ryan watched him for a second, his tall body filling the doorway, his arms folded over on his chest.

"What? Is something wrong? Did I talk in my sleep or something?" Cameron chuckled nervously.

"Nope." Ryan smiled and went downstairs.

Cameron sat on the edge of his bed. He didn't remember taking off his shoes but they were neatly set near his closet door. The nap made him feel dozy and half asleep still, although his clock told him it was almost 7 oclock.

When Cameron got to the table everyone was already tucking into their dinner. He sat down at his new spot, on one side across from Ryan.

"Cameron took a nap like me!" Leah proclaimed proudly.

Jess looked at Cameron and smirked. "Yes. Cameron spends a lot of his weekends alternating between reading and napping."

"I'll have you know," he said, helping himself to some spaghetti and garlic bread. "I went swimming today for the first time. And that takes a lot of energy."

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