It's a date 😍 yes it is 🙈

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Ahalya's POV

"Where are you taking me, Karthik? 😦" I asked in worry as he walked through the grass in the night with me in his hands.

"To a lion's den"


"Hahaha, chill Chella Kutty, just a few more minutes"

I slightly slapped his arms😡 "I am not your Chella Kutty"

"Ok then my Allu Kutty"😘

I slapped him again and glared at him🤨.

"Ohhh, you are looking so scary my Allu Kutty, are those your fangs I am seeing?😲"

"What?? 😦" I asked and touched my face, and this stupid man started to laugh.

"😂😂😂😂, You are so funny"

🤨😡😡 "Yeah, I am a joker, laugh, laugh... " I said and looked away...

"Are you mad at me, Allu? 😕" He asked but I am not going to talk😏.

"I am soryyyy, hey look at me 😕... I am sorry Allu I will not tease you again..." Still I didn't look at him or say anything.

"Ok fine, I am not moving until you talk to me, 😏" he said but I cared less.

"Let's stand here in the middle of this hill and be a feast to the beast, 😑" he said looking at me.

"Feast to the beast😯 what... You mean?" I asked.

"The exact thing you understood 😏"

"OMG!!! Then what are you doing standing here like a statue... Karthi move..." I yelled but this dump deaf man is so stubborn!!!

"Look, I am talking to you... That's what you wanted right? 🤷🏻"

"No, I want something else 😏"

"Now what?🤦"

"A kiss 😙"

"😠😠😠" I punched his nose...

"Oww... Aaa..." He cried in pain but didn't let me down and I felt bad 😒 he is in pain he could have dropped me but he didn't.

"Is it bleeding?" He asked, trying to look down at his nose... I smiled seeing the face he was making... He is so stupid how can someone look down on their own nose 🤦.

"I am sorry..." I said and gave a peck on his cheek.

"Hey... Don't be sad, I deserve that punch 😅... And it hurts, 😬" he said and started to walk.

"I am sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you 😔... Why are you talking so stupidly to me, that's why I am getting angry... We just talked today and cleared everything and you acting like everything is ok and it is not ok for me. I need some time 😒..."

"I know... My mistake, and I am sorry, really I am... I don't know what else to do, how to make this right, I am being an idiot bringing you here... Doing all these teasings" he said sadly and placed me down. And I stared at him.

"Allu, I know you need time... Me coming back into your life suddenly, after doing some horrible things, that's not right... I want you to forget that and forgive me but it will take time. I can understand that, but I don't want to lose you again by making any mistake...
We can go back if you are not comfortable with me, this was a bad idea-" he started to talk nervously and I closed his mouth with my hand... This man can talk very fastly 🤦.

"Can you shut your mouth for a minute?..." I asked and he nodded
"Good, because you are not supposed to talk like this, I am... I am the girl here and I am supposed to be the chatterbox and should irritate you, so don't you take what's mine...
And about bringing me here, I think it's not a bad idea as I have decided to give you a second chance... And this happens to be our first date... Do you want to ruin your first date with your fiancee 😏... "

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