My Monkey Family 🐒🐒

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I was all alone in my compartment as Manu's stop was the previous one. Mine is next and I am waiting to see my Amma and Appa😍. They will be so happy to see me...

When they see me they will run towards me and hug me tight 🤗...

Hmm... My poor Amma and Appa. Will I get to see them after marriage 🙁? I will be all busy with my work and when I get leave I will be going to my husband's house 😟 then how will I spend time with my parents 😥...

They seem to be eager to marry me off to someone but I know deep inside they are worried... I think all the parents are like this in the case of marrying off their daughter...

From the time of her birth onwards her parents will start dreaming about her marriage. Their daughter as a bride... It will always be a painful sweet beautiful memory for every father and mother...🥺

And for a daughter, she has to leave her family to make another one 😥... Why is that? Can't these boys leave their house and live in ours... This stupid system has to change... I don't want to leave my parents... 😥

But my Amma, she will kick me out from my house, I know 😤

Oh, my stop has reached!! I didn't notice my surroundings thinking about all this stuff...

I hurriedly picked up my bags and step outside from the train...

I stood on the platform smiling 'Finally... Home sweet home' but someone pushed me forward.

"Ahh... Don't you have eyes... Can't you see me standing there..." I shouted to the man who pushed me and it was the same man who sat opposite me... He glared at me and stomped from there.

"What's his problem? Idiot ruined my moment" I said to myself and walked outside of the railway station.

I called an autorickshaw from the auto stand near the railway station and give him my address.

After 20 minutes of the ride, I reached my home... When I opened the gate I saw my parents waiting for me at the entrance 'aww... They love me so much' I thought and ran towards them...

"Ammaaa... Appaaaa..... I am back..." I yelled while running towards them opening my arms...

"Stop there girl," said my Amma sternly and I stopped in my tracks...

"What happened Amma?"

"Are you dump or acting like one? Don't you know about this pandemic all over the world... You traveled all this distance... God knows how many bacterias and viruses will be there in your body..." She said in disgust.

I just stood there scrutinizing her "Amma, I am your only daughter, the one and only child of both of you. And I came here to see you guys after 1 month in between all these corona and things... And you are disgusted by me😧... Like really Amma... Don't you love me...🥺 You are only concerned with your safety other than your daughter's..." I started to cry.

"Swetha, Allu just came now and you started to fight with her... Let her eat something my poor baby will be so hungry" said Appa

"Yes Appa, I am so hungry" I cried and ran to hug him, but again my Amma blocked my way.

"Don't you dare come near my husband... First, go and take a bath, I have arranged everything for you in the outhouse. Go..." She said angrily

"Are you even my Amma?" 🥺

"Isn't it obvious that you monkey is not my daughter... I got you from a wastebasket... How many times have I told your father to don't take this monkey from there but no he will not hear me... Now, look at what happened... I got a monkey as my daughter" said Amma 😏

"Are you sure Amma... I am looking exactly like my Amma monkey right?" I asked 😏

"Of course... All monkeys look alike girl" said Amma 😏

"Haan I was wondering all these years why grandma is saying that I am an exact copy of you Amma 😏... So... We both are looking alike, and you are saying monkeys look alike and I am a monkey... So Amma... What will that make you 😏..... A BIG ASS MONKEY 🤣🤣" I said and my Amma was ready to kill me 😡😡

"You stupid girl," she said and started to come near me to pinch my ears but didn't come near me when she remembered about her so-called corona daughter...

"What Amma... Come naah... Come touch me" I said wiggling my fingers like a ghost... "Don't you want to pinch my ears... Here come and touch me" I said walking towards her.

"Allu stop there... " She said moving backward away from me.

"Aww, my fiesty Amma is so scared 🤣🤣"

"I will get you in my hand Allu... Then be ready to face hell 😡" she said.

"Ok, Amma 😝"

I said and ran to the outhouse to take a good bath.

I scrubbed all over my body and sanitized my bags and stuff. 

When I came inside my house our dining table was filled with all my favorite food made by Amma... 'See, she secretly loves me😍'

Without wasting time I started to eat.

"Allu slow down baby..." Said Amma rubbing my back.

"Amma this is so tasty mmm..." I said stuffing my mouth with food.

"Your Amma started to prepare all these from yesterday night and didn't even let me take a bite from it" pouted Appa.

" Don't worry Appa" I said and feed him 

"Wow... Do I mean anything to you two?" asked Amma

"Of course my sweet Ammu..." I said and feed her too.

After finishing our dinner we three settled on their bed, me in the middle of them.



"Do I want to marry now... Can't it wait for some more years..." I asked hugging her.

"No Allu... Marriage is a sacred thing, which will only come once... But yes failures happen, divorces happen... All these are part of our life Allu and the one who faces all these without breaking wins in this game called life... For everything, there will be ups and downs we have to choose our path wisely and make a decision...

I know you are afraid to get married and we will not force you but you have to get married Allu... I have restricted you from loving but if you love someone and he too does love you then we don't have any problem. But I said so because I am a mother and I only want the best for my child, no mother will think harm about her child... I am the one who knows you at the time when you were a tiny little cell safe inside my womb... And from that day to till I know what's good for you and how to choose it... But when you make decisions on your own I am afraid... I am afraid of thinking about what if you are wrong... What if you will get hurt by choosing yourself... All these fears make us parents weak and restrict you guys from making your own decisions... The fear of losing our child is the most painful one for a mother... You will know this when you will be a mother Allu..." She said while tears rolling down her cheeks...

I kissed her cheeks "Amma you don't have to be afraid of anything... I am your monkey daughter and will never make any decisions without thinking twice... You guys fulfilled all my dreams and I have to fulfill yours... And I don't know how to choose a man so it is in your hands my monkey Amma... Choose your son-in-law wisely 😂😂"

"Poor guy... How is he going to stay with my monkey daughter 😂😂"


"And I want an Oscar for living with these beautiful monkeys of mine," said Appa hugging us.

"Ok gorilla, we both will nominate you," said Amma 😂😂😂

My monkey family 🐒🐒😂😂



Hope you enjoyed the chapter

Bye ❤

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