Chapter 1- Welcome to the Pierce House

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Teddy Pierce. My boyfriend. What could he want for Christmas? He hasn't said he wanted anything. But, then again, I'm his girlfriend and he got me something.

"(Y/n)?" a voice called questioningly.

I turned, snapping out of my trail of thought. I smiled. "Mrs. Pierce."

"Hey, sweetheart. What are you doing here?" Mrs. Pierce asked, hugging me briefly.

"Trying to find Teddy something for Christmas. I thought we weren't doing anything for Christmas, and then Teddy told me he had a surprise for me, so..." I explained. "I already found something for Kate."

Mrs. Pierce smiled brightly. "She's going to love it."

"Kate always said she wanted to go shopping with me. I've taken her a few times, but she always complains she doesn't have anywhere cool to put her money," I explained. I paused, thinking of something. "Wait. That's it. I've seen one of them around here somewhere."

Mrs. Pierce helped me finish their gifts, and she took me back to her house. I wrapped the presents in the car and helped her carry in the rest of the groceries. I watched Teddy push up the tree, leaning against the doorway.

"If it makes you feel any better, my place looks like any other day of the year," I said, making Teddy jump slightly.

"Hey, (Y/n). What are you doing here?" Teddy smiled, walking over and kissing my forehead.

"I ran into Mrs. Pierce at the store and she let me come over," I explained.

"Well, welcome to the Pierce house." Teddy grinned.

"For the millionth time that I've been here." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, Teddy, listen. I need to work, so you need to stay here," Mrs. Pierce explained.

"Seriously?" Teddy questioned.

"Yeah," Mrs. Pierce nodded.

"It's Christmas Eve," Teddy stated.

"Which is why you're gonna stay home with your sister and your girlfriend," Mrs. Pierce replied.

"Come on, Mom. I-"

"No. You are not to leave this house. You leave her alone again, and you are grounded! Until February. You wanna spread Christmas cheer? Decorate the tree," Mrs. Pierce explained.

"Whatever," Teddy sighed.

"Okay. Take the cookies out in twenty minutes, all right? And don't stay up too late. And no soda! And listen, absolutely no junk food, okay? You hear me?" Mrs. Pierce said as she kissed both of her kids' heads. "See you guys tomorrow, bright and early. I love you."

"I love you too," Kate replied.

"Merry Christmas," Mrs. Pierce smiled.

"Merry Christmas," Kate and I said.

Mrs. Pierce walked out the door. I set my presents under the bare tree as Kate sprung into action.

"Wanna watch a movie? Mom's gone, so it can be PG-13 or maybe even R!" Kate suggested excitedly.

"I'm gonna go to my room," Teddy decided.

"But it's Christmas Eve!" Kate protested.

"Come on, babe, let's do something together," I pleaded.

"Come on, Teddy Bear," Kate added.

"I told you to stop calling me that," Teddy snapped.

"You used to laugh when I called you Teddy Bear, and I was your Katie Cat. But ever since Dad died... I mean... all you wanna do is hang out with (Y/n) and your wannabe gangster friends," Kate explained.

Teddy scoffed. "You know... at least they're fun. They're not boring slugs like you."

"Teddy," I called, trying to reason with him as he retreated up the stairs.

I took the cookies out of the oven for Kate and found her watching old videos on the camcorder. I smiled, watching Mr. and Mrs. Pierce dancing. I noticed a red blur and Kate rewound the tape. She paused on the exact moment.

A hand clad in red and white was putting presents under the Christmas tree.

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