Chapter 13- Santa's Village

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"There you go. Easy, (Y/n). The kids are fine."

I opened my eyes and darted up, not listening to the woman's voice. She held my shoulders as my vision cleared. I looked around frantically, looking at Kate and Jack.

"Kate," I said, getting up despite the woman and hugging her tightly.

Jack was waking up too. "Jack. Thank goodness you two are alright."

"(Y/n) (L/n)."

I looked up, then smiled. "Santa," I said, walking up to him and hugging him.

"That's some willpower you have, (Y/n). You woke up without drinking anything," Mrs. Claus said.

"I was too worried about them. Kate was running away, and I followed her, and I swear on my half-elf life I saw my father, and he pushed us into this portal-"

"Wait, (Y/n), slow down. You saw your father?" Santa questioned.

"Yeah, my father. He looked exactly like him. It looked like he recognized me too." I nodded.

Santa hesitated. "I'll tell you later." Santa looked up at Jack. "Welcome to the North Pole, Jack."

Jack got up and ran over to us. "Are you really...?"

"I am," Santa nodded.

"Uh-uh. No way. I must be dreaming," Jack said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Oh, you're not dreaming, Jack. You're in Santa's Village. The real one," Santa replied, opening the doors.

"Nick, I bet the children would like a tour," Mrs. Claus said.

"Of the village? A tour? Of course! Would you?" Santa asked.

"Are you kidding? I mean, that would be amazing," Jack said, smiling brightly.

"Yeah," Kate and I agreed.

"Well, then, we'll have to get you into some warm clothes first," Mrs. Claus said.

She snapped her fingers, and we were changed into warm clothes. I had a (f/c) jacket with black leggings and my fingerless gloves. I had black lace-up boots trimmed with brown faux fur that went up to my shin. Teddy's purplish-red beanie was pulled over my head.

"Wow. This is so cool," Kate said.

"Yeah," Jack agreed.

We walked out of the stables. I marveled at the cobblestone streets of the village. It was like a part of me was here, in the entire village. Like I was in my element.

"The village houses over a million elves. Now, if you combine Amazon, FedEx, the postal service, and UPS with every manufacturing company in the world, and they quadrupled their output for an entire year, well, you just might be getting close to what we can accomplish here in Santa's village in a single day," Santa started.

"So, where's your workshop?" Jack asked.

"Why, you're walking in it," Santa chuckled.

"Really?" Jack questioned.

"Yes," Santa laughed.

"Well, we have over three hundred thousand shops here in the village," Mrs. Claus continued.

"And each and every one designed by Mrs. Claus," Santa added.

"If she designed this place, I think it should be called Mrs. Claus's Village," Kate decided.

"Me too," Jack agreed.

"Why, I... I never thought of that," Santa admitted.

"Of course he didn't," Mrs. Claus said quietly in my ear, making me smile and giggle.

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