Chapter 20- Everything

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"Now, Dasher, are you sure you're ready for this trip?" Santa asked unsurely.

Dasher grunted. "If you say so."

"Let's go," I said excitedly.

"Alright. Last sleigh to Cancun. All aboard," Santa announced.

"Oh, my God. This is probably gonna be my first and only trip in the sleigh. Can I sit up front, Santa?" Jack asked.

"Well, you can't drive from the back," Santa replied, making me smile.

"What?" Jack questioned.

"Yeah. Now, this puppy's got some serious jump. You think you can handle it?" Santa asked.

"Well, yeah!" Jack replied.

"All right. Jump in there and get the reins. (Y/n), you guys can switch occasionally," Santa instructed.

"Children, children! In case you get a little peckish on the ride," Mrs. Claus said, holding out three cookies.

"What's in these?" Jack asked.

"Um, eggs, butter, flour, sugar," Mrs. Claus listed.

"No. What kinda magic is in them? I mean, I ate one in the forest, I lost all my fears. The snowman cookie made me feel stronger," Jack explained.

"Well, only the gingerbread man had magic ingredients. The snowman didn't have any," Mrs. Claus admitted.

"So the snowman cookie was a placebo," I realized.

"Gazebo? What?" Jack questioned, confused.

"Placebo," I giggled. "It's a treatment given to someone, but has no working effect on it. In short, she made you think it gives you courage, but..."

"The hero was always inside you," Mrs. Claus finished.

"I'll never forget you, Mrs. Claus," Jack smiled.

"Oh. You will from time to time, and that's as it should be," Mrs. Claus explained. "Have a great journey."

"Merry Christmas, Mrs. Claus," the three of us said.

"Merry Christmas," Mrs. Claus replied.

"Hey, guys. One last thing. Stay away from strangers in golf carts," Dad warned.

I laughed. "We will, Dad."

"Open the doors!" Santa commanded. "Hit it, Jack!"

"Here goes," Jack said.

He called out their names as the sleigh took off. We went through the wormhole and Jack got nervous, handing me the reins. I smiled, steering and remembering the words from last time.

"Harder!" Jack shouted.

"Got it," I said, stopping the reindeer.

"Not bad, you two. Not bad at all! Alright, kids, we're here. Ready to jump?" Santa asked.

"Jump? All the way down there?" Jack questioned.

"Trust me, Jack. You'll be fine," Kate assured him as we joined hands.

"I don't know, Kate. I fought a village of crazy elves, but this seems kinda dangerous, if you ask me," Jack said.

"We'll be okay. I worked on my magic this morning and I'm sure Santa's got our backs. We'll be fine, I promise," I assured him.

Jack sighed. "Hey, Santa. Will we ever see you again?"

"Not if he can help it," Kate and I replied.

"We did it again," Kate said.

"Yes, we did," Santa nodded. "Uh... Just one thing, you two."

"I know, Santa. We'll be good," Kate said.

I beamed, wiping the side of my nose before we fell backward. I used my magic to create parachutes around us, Jack sighing in relief. He let go of my hand.

"Merry Christmas, Teddy," Santa called before disappearing.

We floated down, touching the sand gently. I got rid of the parachutes as Teddy got up from his seat.

"Looks like you guys had a visit from our old friend," Teddy said as I ran over to him, hugging him. "Was it as good as last time?"

"Well, let me put it this way. (Y/n) is the best soon-to-be sister-in-law ever!" Kate said, making me smile.

"Okay, what did you do to Kate?" Teddy asked, making me laugh.

"She met our Dad," Kate admitted.

"Wait, what?" Teddy's eyes widened. "Tell me you're joking."

I pulled the knife out of my pocket. "He let me keep it."

"Only because you had to key the lock to get out of being arrested," Kate snorted.

"I climbed a glacier and fought off a Yule cat, so I'm kind of a big deal at the North Pole now," Jack explained.

"Okay, you're telling me everything," Teddy said, smiling.

"No problem," I replied.

"Oh, Bob and Mom are actually waiting for us, so we gotta go. Come on," Teddy said, wrapping an arm around me.

I hid the knife as we approached Mom and Bob. Jack ran up to Bob, hugging him. Teddy's arm stayed around me as Kate hugged Mom.

"I missed you too. Both of you," Kate admitted.

"Really?" Bob asked.

"Yeah," Kate nodded.

"Kate, I want you to know I really care for your mother. And I hope that me and you can continue to bond. I know nothing happens overnight. One day at a time, right?" Bob explained.

"One day at a time," Kate agreed. "You know, guys, I was thinking, maybe tonight... maybe we should have a caroling party."

"Seriously?" Teddy questioned.

"Sure," Jack shrugged.

"I-I think that's a great idea," Mom agreed.

"I love it. I'm in," Bob decided.

"Let's do it," Mom said.

That night, when the moon was full in the sky, we walked out on the beach. Teddy's fingers were intertwined with mine. He twirled me, noticing my enjoyment of the scene.

"So, what song should we sing?" Bob asked.

"How 'bout O' Christmas Tree?" Kate suggested.

We took hands as one, as a family. I laid my head on Teddy's shoulder as Kate sang. Bob joined in. Mom joined, then we sang as one. I closed my eyes, breathing in the salty air.

'Merry Christmas' appeared in the sky. I cupped my hands over my hands, knowing it was Santa's doing. It was the colors of the Borealis.

Teddy kissed my cheek, startling me. I pulled him in for a kiss, realizing that this was what I wanted for the rest of my life.

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