Chapter 6- His Favorite Song

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"Uh-oh," Kate said when we saw the police cars swarming the street corner.

"Attach Comet's jingle bells!" Santa yelled.

"What?" Kate and Teddy questioned.

"Jingle bells!" Santa yelled before they tackled him.

I attached the bells to each other, and they glowed green. I breathed heavily as Kate screamed at them. Comet lifted into the air, me blowing out a breath in relief as we flew upward.

We flew around Chicago, marveling at the city's beautiful view.

"I can't believe it! We're flying!" Kate said excitedly.

"I know," Teddy agreed. "I'm on Donner. How about you?"

"Comet! How cool is this?" Kate gushed, making me smile.

I heard a beeping and reached over, taking the ball out of Teddy's coat pocket. I grinned. The tracker was beeping wildly.

"The bag of toys!" Kate realized.

"That means we're close!" Teddy added.

"Where do you think it is?" I asked.

"Must be around here somewhere," Teddy reasoned. "Let's land. It'll be easier to find from the ground."

The reindeer flew down, Kate screaming in surprise. I steered Comet, using the pressure of my hands on his fur. We landed in an alleyway, hiding in a barn meant for Christmas trees.

"Come on," Teddy said, grabbing my hand in excitement.

"Hang tight, and blend in!" Kate instructed.

"Come on, Katie!" I called.

We ran down the street, a choir singing inside a church. We ran around the corner, slowing down slightly.

"You think it's inside the church?" Kate asked.

"No. It's gotta be around here somewhere." Teddy shook his head.

We stopped in front of the church, listening to the music. I laid my head on Teddy's shoulder, knowing what this song did to him. "This was his favorite song."

"He sang it every Christmas Eve," Kate added.

"You know, I haven't been to church since he..." Teddy trailed off.

"I know. Me neither," Kate admitted.

Teddy took out his knife, staring at the yellow lettering.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly.

"Nothing. God, will it kill you to leave me alone for one minute?" Teddy snapped, throwing his knife.

I walked over to it, picking it up. "I really hope you don't mean that."

"I didn't. I'm sorry," Teddy apologized, taking my gloved hand and kissing the top of it.

He took the knife from me, sitting on the steps. "He would be so disappointed in me. I know Mom sure is. And you are too. And let's face it, I know you want to break up with me."

"First, Mom knows, deep down, you're not such a total screw-up," Kate said.

"And second. We've been dating for two years already, Ted. What makes you think I want to throw it out the window?" I questioned.

"Oh, I don't know, the look of disbelief in your eyes when Santa was comparing me to Charlie." Teddy frowned.

"Because I didn't want to believe it. But, I believe it. I just don't want you to do it again," I reasoned.

"I know I've been an awful boyfriend and brother, it's just... I've been so mad at him. I mean, he spent years helping people, but where is he now? When I need him? Why did he have to go into that stupid fire? He had a wife... and two kids, and he gave it all up. Just to save some random strangers. And now, I'd give anything just to tell him..." Teddy trailed off.

"Tell him what?" Kate asked, sitting on the other side of Teddy.

He was silent as a tear rolled down his cheek. "Teddy, you aren't such an awful brother. Dad wouldn't be disappointed in you. You know how I know?"

"How?" Teddy said robotically.

"Because I see him all the time... in you," Kate explained.

"You're just saying that 'cause you wanna save Christmas," Teddy smiled.

"True, but... I also believe it. You just gotta believe it, too," Kate said.

I stared at him for a moment before I kissed his cheek, then placed a long kiss on the lips. I smiled at him. "You're not an awful boyfriend. You're completely opposite. And I'm not stupid enough to practically throw my life in the wind."

"Thanks, Kate. I love you, (Y/n)," Teddy said, looking between the two of us.

I wrapped my arms around his waist. "I love you too, Teddy."

Teddy kissed the top of my head as the tracker beeped wildly. I let go and stood up, helping Teddy up as well.

"Come on," Teddy said with a smile.

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