He is back?

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5 years later

"Ezra! Come on babe!"

I apply the last stroke of the eyeliner,and turn around to look at Stel.

"Just one second Stel!"

I say giving her my puppy eyes as she just sighs and rolls her eyes at me.

"You can't go like this Ezra! Who the hell wears this to a party?"

I raise my eyebrow at her and look back at the mirror.
The maxi dress reaches below my knee,full sleeves, high neck.
I think it was kind of sophisticated.

Next I know she is pulling out clothes from my wardrobe to look at me in disbelief.

"What the fuc* Ezra! You call these clothes?"

I look back at Stel's attire. With those sexy curves and that short dress,she looked hot.
If I was a boy,I would have been head over heels for her.

Just like Neil is.

Stella Anderson. Neil's girlfriend for last 2 years,hard to believe? Trust me ,even I was shocked how she was bearing him.
More shocked as to how he found someone like her? I mean she was not like his usual bed warmers, she was something else.

"What's wrong in them?"

I ask sitting on the bed,tired of dressing for this useless party.

She picks up my favourite knitted sweater with her two fingers and looked at it in disgust.

"This is trash girl! You need to go shopping!"

I look down at my wringling hands.I was kind of short of money these past few weeks.
Mrs Reed always tells me to ask her if I need something but she has already done so much for me.
Mamma works so hard ,I can't ask more from her either.

Giving Stel a shrug of my shoulder. I get up and sigh in frustration.

"I am not going Stel. Plus it's past my sleeping time already.Please...just give an excuse to Neil"

"No. You are going!"

Holding my wrist she started pulling me along, and I just roll my eyes at her.
Who was I kidding, convincing Stella was impossible.

Making me sit in her expensive car,she roared it to life and I looked at the time in my phone.
We were already late and she will get more late because of me.

"Stel Please! Try and understand ! I am tired already-"

"Not another word Ezra. You are going and that's final. It's Neil's birthday today,how can you miss it!"

I already know Neil will be so mad at me if I don't attend.
But I feel really awkward in these parties, they are not my cup of tea.
I prefer my bed ,a cup of hot chocolate and a novel more.

30 minutes

The exact time it took and the results,well...for a change Stel looked like she won a barbie and dress up contest.
I can see those big stars of excitement and those red hearts of admiration in her eyes.

I turn around to look at the mirror and my breath got knocked out of me for a second.
That was not me...no way!
She has done a smokey eye makeup on me ,my poor stroke of eyeliner hidden somewhere.
My long brown hair, bouncing in curls around my shoulder and my lips tainted in red lipstick.

Ewww...I hate it. It's too bold..I always prefer nude.
Everything is fine except the lipstick...if only I can-

"Don't you dare! Your lips are looking so kissable girl! Why don't you wear this shade?"

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