A new leaf

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The eerie silence of the street is broken by the thudding footsteps of a man, who walks down with long confident steps. A black jacket with hood lifted up on his head, veiling his identity well.

A cigar placed in his lips as he stops suddenly. To look up at the board near which he was asked to meet. Leaning against the railing, he puffs out the smoke.

Waiting patiently.

Minutes later, a luxury car comes down the deserted road. Killing the engine. To stop beside him.

And the hooded figure. Crushes the cigarette under his foot. To approach it. Puffing out the last smoke.

Looking around to make sure no one was looking, he leans lower to the window. To have it roll down.

Making a heavy voice to resonate.

" You were hired to finish the job, not to play around. What is the meaning of this bullsh**?"

The person in the car asks , showing him the pictures. He was sent. And the hooded figure just smirks.

" What's the fun in that boss. Plus doesn't one play with the prey, before it's hunted?"

The man in the car clenches his fist. Looking up at the hooded figure for the first time. His brown eyes sending daggers at him.

" Get it done asap. Or you know the rules."

The hooded figure gets serious. Knowing the person was not kidding. There is only one rule in the dictionary of the organisation for which he was working and that equates incomplete with only one thing.


" It will be done by the end of the month. Rest assured."

The person picks up a bag from the seat. To give it to him. And the hooded figures eyes shine for a second to only have him cover it.

The hunger for money, evident.

The stranger was going to leave when the hooded figure exclaims. Stopping him from pulling up the window.

" But wait ! What about the remaining money? This is not even half of what we agreed to!"

And the person, retorts. His voice deadly. Making the hooded figure to tremble.

" Don't you dare to ever interrupt me inbetween or your fuc*ing blood will be spilt first by me , before you spill it for me. Am I clear?

The hooded figure gulps, bowing. His voice stuttering.

" Y- Yes Sir. I am sorry."

" And as for your question? Full payment once I have that girl's dead body at my feet."

" Y- Yes Sir"

The person nods. Rolling up the window. And the car drives away, leaving behind the hooded figure to take a deep sigh.

Smiling to himself, seeing so much money.

He rushes back, planning his next move for his little princess.

His earlier plans may have back fired because of that fuc* ing Reed's trust in her, but he wasn't giving up.

He will make sure to have his share of fun.

After all, it was not just another one of his missions.

It was his favourite mission.

It was his game. And the monetary reward?

A Bonus.


3:10 am

He sits on his chair, sipping his drink. While looking at his little vixen sleeping soundly on his bed. His senses still clouded from the best se* he has ever had in his life, with none other than the stupid girl. He thought was too good for him.

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