The Will to move on

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"A person who loves his/ her own company and doesn't need a man or women to bring a smile on their lips.

Are among those few things in this world.

Which can't break no matter how much pressure they take."

- Suzangill


        7 months later

The Richardson Estate.
Dining Room
11:40 am

" It's urgent Sir. Or I wouldn't dare disturb"

One of the guards says bowing. While Albert just sighs pushing aside his plate. Looking at him in anger.

" How many times? How many times have I told you not to talk about business when I am at the dining table."

Dismissing him. He continues to look at his watch. Tapping his leg.

" Sir but-"

" Ezra will be here and second. We will talk about this later. Now go-"

" But Sir! It's worth millions. We can't wait."

" Mr Green. Can you leave now?"

Albert warns. And the man had sweat on his forehead. Sighing he just bows. Moving back to leave.

When he saw the giant doors to the dining room open and a figure walks in, with maids following behind. Dressed in an expensive latest edition black knee length dress. Branded stellitoes. And a beautiful necklace around her neck.

She walks in confidence, with head held high. Her eyes twinkling seeing her father waiting for her.

But before she could reach him. Her eyes met her father's secretary's anxious ones.

The man immediately lowers his eyes, bowing at the princess of the Richardson empire.

To stutter.

" Mi-ss Ezra. Greetings."

And to his surprise. The girl stops, making the maids that followed her to stop as well. To suddenly bow at him in reply. Making everyone 's eyes to widen.

" Miss Ezra... please don't. You are a shouldn't!"

He pleads feeling embarresed.
And Ezra smiles gently at him. Her next words making him wonder. Who was this girl really?

How can someone be so nice?

" And you are elder to me Mr Green. I am just like your daughter."

" A father doesn't bows to his daughter , now does he?"

If the man had a daughter. He would wish to have one like her. And all this time Albert doesn't say anything.

Just stares.

Knowing another name has been added in the list of his daughter's admirers. She has won hearts with her goodness.

And he knew. She was a princess not just by position.

But first by heart.

" How is everyone at home?"

She asks softly. And the man barely stutters out.

" They ar-e doing g-ood. Thank you for asking Miss. "

Looking at Albert and nodding, Mr Green excuses himself. Taking his leave.

While Albert stands up. Opening his arms. Making Ezra to rush forward. Smiling and hugging him.

To speak sweetly in a whisper.

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