The disaster

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"What the hell Ezra! Omg! I can't believe this! "

Ezra looks at Stel's over excited self. While cutting the vegetables for dinner. Sighing ,while putting them into the boiling water in the stove.

"I am not going Stel. He is a stranger, I don't even know him"

She rolls her eyes to only have Ben intervene this time. Picking a broccoli from the cut vegetables and placing it in his mouth.

"So what? Aren't we all strangers in this big round earth?"

Ezra roll my eyes ignoring him. To see him picking up the cut tomatoes as well and she smack his hand this time. Giving him her infamous look.

"Don't Ben. These are for the soup!"

He raises his hands in surrender and Ezra just sighs.

"And first the earth is not round it's geoid and second ....I am not going on a date with any man. You get that?"

Stel and Ben share a look winking at each other , while Ben manages to slide out Ezra's phone from her pocket.

"But Ezra... atleast tell us his name?"

"How does he look like? Is he handsome?"

Stel asks while Ezra tries the taste of the soup. Ignorant of Ben standing behind her. Searching for a strangers name in her contact list.

"He goes by Nathan Williams. One of the investors who came today."

A smirk covers Ben's lips as he opened the contact saved by the name of Nathan. To only send a message.

"Hi ! I umm ..can we meet tonight..if you are free?"

Ben looks at Stel's hopeful eyes, to only nod. And she smiles, continuing to distract Ezra, with the stranger's hot topic.

"See Ezra I know you are scared of strangers but you can atleast try to know him. You yourself told me that he seemed very friendly and you felt comfortable in his presence."

Ezra seemed to be lost in thoughts. Not able to decide. While her phone vibrates in Ben's hand.

He looks at the screen to be only surprised at the words the stranger used.

Sure beautiful. I will pick you up at 8.Just send me your address.

Ps: Always free for you.

Ben looks up to see Ezra still distracted and he types the message with a smirk on his face.

Aunt Mary will kill her if she comes to know a boy picked her up. She is just too protective of her little Ezra.

We can meet at the Eds Club. What's say?

"I know Stel I said it...but I don't know..."

"Just try Ezra. Try coming out of the shell you have made around you."

The phone again vibrates.

I never realised that you would like to go to a place like that. But if you wish, it's my command beautiful.

See you there at Eight.


Ben exclaims, to only have Ezra to look around. Her gaze stops at the phone in his hand and she stills.

"Ben Reed. Don't tell me you-'

"I did it already cupcake. You have no choice left"

She pulls the phone from his hand to see the last sent messages to only have the phone nearly slip from her hands.

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