25 ♛

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I look at the doorknob and frown, someone had fixed it and I had no idea who to thank. I step inside my apartment that I expected to be a havoc as I had left it but everything was put in the bin and some posters taped together and placed back on the wall. I look at the rattling keys to the new doorknob and my frown deepens when I see new flash comics next to it.

Maximus Bartholomew was the cleaning culprit and I was suddenly not very grateful about it.

"You know this doesn't mean I have forgiven you Maximus Bartholomew!" I walk towards my room because for some reason I knew he'd be there and he was, with confusion painting his features. My rage peaks to the roof at his dumbfounded face, he had the audacity to look confused? He shouldn't even be here anyways, after all I was just a nobody.

"Yeah I'm really sorry they broke in, apparently they tipped one of my bodyguards to tell them when we were coming back so that they can broadcast the rumours while we were back. They are so fucked up," My heart felt heavy at him referring to us as 'rumours' and I couldn't stand to look at his pretty face that was acting like it didn't know what it had done.

"Get the fuck out of my house Maximus!" I point towards the window instead of the door.

"You swore?" He looks at the window than back at me, acting deliberately more stupid which made me want to throw him out the window myself.

"Just get the fuck out of here Max!"


"It's creepy to welcome yourself into people's home without their consent," it was true, it was creepy and after todays denial I wonder who he thought he was to be standing in my apartment and cleaning it and acting like he wasn't in the wrong

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to be creepy," he stares at me but doesn't move towards the window I was frustratingly pointing at. I wanted to punch him because he looked so genuine and handsome that I found myself falling in love with the hypnotising waves of his eyes instead of loathing his presence.

"Tell me what's wrong."

"I'm a nobody right? Then get the fuck out of this nobodies house," this was the most I had sworn in a long time and I had to breath in to compose myself.

"Wha-" I cut his act off.

"You stalk me, you get close to me, you kiss me, you manipulate me into liking you just so you can use me as a pity case ! Just so that everyone forgets about those kids! Just so that you gain social acceptance! Well congratulations you've lost a friend and have gained the social acceptance you have been striving for," I breath in and look towards the floor feeling tears prickling my eyes but I was not going to let a man see me cry, especially a man that has manipulated me like he has and used me like I was just a worthless object.

"I didn't stalk you, and I didn't do any of those things to use you, I just...I-"

"You just what!?"

"I love you Hales Adams," my mind goes blank, I couldn't think of what to say anymore at that unexpected confession....but that was exactly why he said those words he wanted to manipulate me even further and I found my fury boiling hotter instead when I realised what he was doing.

"Stop it, just stop it! Get out!" A look of hurt flashes on his face but it goes as quickly as it came when he nods and starts walking towards the window. I breath in and almost let the tears drop but he turns back around and I sniff them back in.

"And do you still think I killed those kids?" I raise my head to look at him and even in the dark I could see the pain in his eyes and I regret bringing them up because I knew he didn't. Although he used me like some tool I knew he wasn't capable of killing anyone. I should control what I say when I'm angry because now I've unnecessarily hurt him. But he hurt me first.

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