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I slam my laptop shut not wanting to see a single glimpse of it.

"I should have hid the USB instead of just putting it in my laptop bag," I laugh trying to cut the tension.

The video bought back memories, good ones yes, but ones I could no longer have. Maximus was able go make me see that it was possible, that I could do anything I want with my prosthesis and it shouldn't be something that stops me from doing what I love, but still. I didn't want to watch the video because after so long I've finally stopped seeing my prosthesis as a barrier for me and if I watched it I'd start sulking over how I lost a leg and start seeing my prosthesis as a barrier once again.

"Hales," Logans hands fall on my shoulders and he gently starts massaging them.

"You know we can watch the video together if you want," I frown, I didn't want to watch it, not even if I had company.

"I don't want to," I move away from his hands and start fidgeting around pretending I was cleaning up when in reality I just wanted him to go away and leave me alone.

"Hales sometimes its good to remember you know, times you were happier."

I feel like Im actually more happier now.

"Im happy enough," I fake a smile but I doubt if he could see me in the darkness when the only light source were the street lights below that somehow managed to illuminate my tiny apartment.

"What is it about?" Could he just leave me alone for fudge sake.

"Its just like a compilation of videos Sam had made of this day we had together," I smile remembering about it.

"It was a good day..." I sit on the couch still smiling and Logan follows my lead and sits next to me.

"I was about to lose my leg and Sam snuck into my hospital bedroom and snuck us out to have 'the best night of our lives' which also became morning eventually...."


"Sam you can stop recording me! Why are you even recording me stupid?"

"Stupid is a bad word and I thought Hales Adams was going to stop swearing," I slap his camera and run ahead of him not wanting to be recorded anymore.

"Where is our first stop?" I stare at the neon signs that every shop had displayed making the street look vibrant. I loved this area of town, it had a retro vibe to it.

"Take this," I take the small paper from his hand and groan, it was a picture of me staring up at the neon signs with my mouth wide open, "I hate it," I throw it back towards him and run down the street again.

"Stop running! Why the fuck are you always running?" Sam was panting like a dog as he tried to keep up with my pace. I always ran when I was excited.

"I want to go to the retro diner!"

"We will go to the retro diner, then we'll go to the carnival, then we'll go to the beach and then if we are lucky we can even surf!"

"I can't surf."

"You'll learn," I sigh and quickly dismiss the thought because I didn't want any sad talks anymore.

Royally Flawsome ♛Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora