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Sometimes its good to let go, to cry it out because holding it all in hurts even more. So here I was walking down towards my apartment unleashing a foreign saltiness from my eyes. I was remembering, something I told myself I would never do. The tears slide down as the rain pours on me, making everything stick to me like a second skin. I didn't care, I didn't care about the cold that made my teeth chatter nor that I was ruining my favorite snickers. I just kept walking with my head down.

"You will be an amazing Diver Hales!"

I clench my hands into fists.

"You are an amazing swimmer, I guarantee you you'll be swimming in the Olympics in no time!"

I grit my teeth trying to stop the rhythm of my teeth.

"One day, you'll be the best!"

My head felt heavy, my legs felt numb but I kept dragging my feet along the street. Not wanting to continue but also craving for the comfort of my bed.

"You've got potential!"

And then I fall, my legs giving in not wanting to go any further.

"One of my best students! I don't know what Ill be if I ever lose you!"

I punch the hard surface beneath me, angry at everything around me.

"Why!? Why Me!? Why me Out of all People!" I whisper down at the ground looking at the small puddle of red coming from my knuckles.
But it didn't hurt, the pain all came from remembering. Why did I even want to remember?

Remember they said, it'll be nice they said.

There I was, a small girl in the middle of a storm, on the ground, staring at a small red puddle confused, lost in a jumble of thoughts. Even when two hands circled around me, pulling me up on my two feet I let them, never even once looking away from that puddle I made. A puddle mixed with blood, rain and tears.

"I created that," I whisper to the ground.

"Aren't you creative," I smile at it, enticed at how the blood swirled around in the rain water. The blood dissolving away as the rain water poured on my piece of art.

"You see that red?" I nod not raising my head to look at who ever had their arms wrapped around my body.

"Thats the bad in the world, and the rain water thats the good. Now you see how the rain water is washing away the blood, pushing it all away to create a puddle for itself?" I nod again, watching as the blood disappears.

"That means that no matter how much bad we have in our lives we can always replace it with good; good memories, laughter..." he pauses.

"New dreams," I whisper and raise my head up to look at him, meeting his enticing blue ones that were hid under a wet hoodie. I don't look away from him because I was having a troubled time reassembling my thoughts. I didn't know what to think of him being here, him being where I was again.

The wet droplets trickle down his face slowly, small droplets falling from his dark hair onto his red nose. He was real, he was here, hands wrapped tightly around me. He doesn't talk, neither do I, just staring into those blue eyes of his that somehow resembled the storm behind him. I didn't want to look anywhere else, my eyes glued on his face. Was he following me?

I unknowingly close my eyes when he trails his long pale finger over my cheek, moving the hair that was glued on my face away leaving a buzzing sensation behind as he did so and I breath in.
"Leave me alone," I open my eyes and look straight past him towards the dark sky.

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