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He was here, I could smell him, his cologne that I had come to love lingering in the air. Five days were long enough to make me realize that I actually was a lonely gummy bear and I somehow liked his presence. For the past few days I've been purposely leaving my window wide open but there were still no sign of him.  Maybe he had realized I was of no benefit to his social status, maybe he was just using me for his social acceptance after all.

I walk towards my room, with each step I take I hope that he'd be sitting by my window sill with his hoodie hanging low over his eyes, even though that was of no benefit now. I open the door breathing in, he was definitely here.

My eyes land on the red silk dress laid over my bed and I frown at it, why would he bring me a dress? I walk towards it and touch it, feeling its silkiness running between my fingers and then as I drop it back down on the bed I find my answer peeking from beneath the dress, a letter tied around a comic. I liked the usage of comics instead of flowers because I was allergic to a majority of flowers and comics were life. Plus, the only flowers I liked and ones that liked me back were sunflowers.

"You're stupid,"  I whisper to no one.

Tomorrow is my Birthday
Wear this.

Psst. I suck at apologizing
But Im sorry
I do trust you, I just was scared (:

"You do suck at apologizing!" I turn around as I had felt his presence looming behind me.

"What is this? I was expecting an apology essay but you sir are a lazy Homo Sapien!" He emerges from the darkness and walks closer to me, the lights from the street below dancing on his face.

"It bought this beautiful smile on this beautiful girl so thats enough for me," he shrugs and I smile again, I wanted to hug him and tell him how boring the past few days were but I restrained myself fisting my hands by my side. I have grown accustomed to this stalker man.

"I know you missed me," he does a small twirl then a bow which makes me roll my eyes at his egoistic self.

"I barely know you sir, I definitely did not," I fold the dress, which for a matter of fact felt really illegal and place it inside my cupboard.

"Come on I know you want to hug me!" I snort and shake my head standing with my arms crossed in front of him and his outstretched arms.
"I'm hugging you!" I shake my head again but don't move and yell frantically when he pulls me towards his chest until Im smudged into it and trying to fight for air. He ignores my yelling and continues tightening his grip.

"Max you are going to kill me!"

"That's what I intend to do!"

"So you are a psychopath, I should have known!"

"Umm duh I wear a hoodie over my eyes and climb through your window, how dense are you?" I push him away from me and throw myself towards the bed, trying to regain my breath that he managed to squeeze out of me. He was standing in front of me with a triumphant smile that I had an urge to smack off his face.

"Im sorry Im trusting!" I roll my eyes and look at his outstretched hand.

"What now?"

"Take my hand Hales Adams," he smiles down towards it.

"Why? So that you can kill me?" He pulls me up until Im standing in front of him and nudges me towards the window.

Royally Flawsome ♛Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz