Chapter 17

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Estelle and Nikolaidis arrive together in the large dining hall of the Imperial Palace holding hands. She still has butterflies in her stomach from their first kiss but her nerves are starting to take over her. She feels anxious about meeting the Emperor and of what could happen. Especially now that her husband has confessed that he loves her, it's guaranteed she'll be accused of being a witch anytime soon and her execution will surely follow.

The Duke must have noticed that his wife is nervous. He gives her hand a gentle reassuring squeeze, telling her he's right beside her and everything will be alright. She looks at him with a smile. This feels like a dream. The man that I love loves me back! This would have been perfect if only I didn't know about what the future has in store for both of us. I guess the only thing I can do now is make the most out of my time with Nikolaidis.

He pulls the chair for her and they both take a seat at the left side of the long table. Estelle fights the urge to play with the silver ring on her hand. I don't want to keep this habit of fumbling with the enchanted ring. What if I accidentally trigger the button and it transforms into a dagger? I can't do that in front of the Imperial Family! Forget about witch accusation, I'll be executed immediately for bringing a dangerous object in the presence of the Emperor!



"You keep looking at your hands, does your wound hurt?"

"It doesn't, Nikolaidis." She shows him a smile and he returns it, relieved that she's okay.

"Why don't you call me Niko instead?"

"H-huh? How do you know about that?!" She stammers. Her cheeks flush pink from embarrassment. It's the nickname I've secretly made for him!

"I hear you mumble it when you sleep talk," he says with a sly smirk.

"What? I don't sleep talk!"

"Yes, you do."

"B-but I don't!"

Someone suddenly clears their throat behind them. It's Mitch and her twin sister Tisha. They didn't notice the Princesses have arrived.

"You can keep acting lovey-dovey if you want," Mitch teases them.

Estelle cheeks turn from pink to a deep red. Did the twins see me and Niko bickering like that?

"Greetings your Royal Highnesses," Nikolaidis quickly composes himself.

"Greetings Duke Nikolaidis," the twins say in unison.

"Hi, sorry for suddenly leaving while we were shopping," Estelle apologizes.

"It's alright, we heard you got into an accident at the souvenir shop. Are you alright?" Tisha asks.

"It's just a little scratch." Estelle holds up her bandaged hand for them to see.

"Thank goodness, we thought it was something big," Mitch says as she and her sister take the seats across from the couple.

"Their Imperial Highness, Crown Prince Henrik and Crown Princess Yulya, and his Imperial Majesty, Emperor Maghnus Ludington de Ghesquire the Third will now enter the banquet hall," Rendon, the royal aide, abruptly announces.

They all stand up in respect as the three other members of the imperial family arrive. Prince Henrik and Princess Yulya enter the room first. For a brief moment, Estelle swears she saw the Prince scowling at Nikolaidis.

The Emperor appears last. It's Estelle's first time seeing him. He's a tall middle-aged man with the same white hair as his children. His red eyes have an orange tone to them, as if they were two orbs made out of flames. He's wearing a shining purple crown that looks heavy on him. Emperor Maghnus looks quite frail.

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