Chapter 25

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"We offer these gifts as a symbol of our gratitude and devotion to you, our most beloved gods," the High Priest says as he raises a golden bowl.

Everyone present around the Imperial Temple square bow as the High Priest pours the contents of the bowl into a stone cauldron on top of a marble pillar. The summer sun blazes in the middle of the sky but the atmosphere is completely solemn. The Offering Ritual is a very important yearly event during the Founding Anniversary of the Empire with people from all walks of life and from different countries in the continent visiting the Capital just to witness it.

"Please accept our gifts and continue to watch over our Empire," Crown Prince Henrik lights up the cauldron using a torch and bows.

The clocktower bells ring, signaling that it is exactly 12 noon. The Offering Ritual has successfully been performed and all the people cheer. Nikolaidis gently grabs Estelle's hand as they found their way out of the crowd.

That was an interesting ritual, Estelle thought to herself as she walked with her husband. Most people in this world are quite devoted to their religion, which is surprising considering that this is a fantasy world in a novel.

"The rumors must be true," she overhears a blonde woman ahead of them whispering loudly to the man beside her.

The man takes off his hat and fans himself with it, "that the Emperor is very ill?"

The woman nods and says, "his majesty must be too sick to perform the ritual but the Crown Prince didn't look fitting doing it in his stead."

"Cousin, you shouldn't be saying that out in public! Although, I do agree with you..."

"Everyone in my town thinks the Duke of Blanchard should become the next Emperor. He's accomplished so much..."

Estelle couldn't hear the rest of their conversation as she had to get on their carriage. She knows Niko also heard what they were talking about but he says nothing as they rode to the Imperial Palace. He seems to be in deep thought as she turns to look at him from time to time.

I know Niko doesn't want to become the next Emperor but he can't stop the people from talking. I think they only want what's best for the Empire that's why they wish for him to lead but I don't want Niko to stress about this too much. We're supposed to enjoy the Founding Anniversary Festival.

"I'm so excited to dance with you at the ball tonight, Niko!" Estelle speaks to lighten up the mood.

She smiles at the duke and takes both his hands, "let's dance together until our feet become sore!"

He lets out a small chuckle and squeezes her hands, "no, my love. I don't want your feet to hurt. Let's just dance to... Three songs? Alright?"

The Duchess nods, happy to see Niko smiling. He frees a hand out her grasp and cradles her face. Gazing at her with his ocean blue eyes, he tells her softy, "no one else is allowed to dance with you."

~•~ ~•~ ~•••~ ~•~ ~•~

Nikolaidis taps his feet as he waits for his wife in the sitting area of their bedroom. He hasn't seen her for hours as she had to get ready for the ball. He knows that ladies take a very long time to prepare themselves, especially for special events but Estelle was taking longer than usual. It's almost time for the Imperial Ball to begin.

Finally, the Duchess emerges from the powder room. The Duke feels as if his breath has been taken away upon seeing his beloved. She looks absolutely beautiful, wearing a red ball gown with her hair braided softly to one side. It feels like I've fallen in love with Estelle all over again.

He stands up from the couch he was seated in and offers his arm, "I must be the luckiest man in the entire world."

"Why?" She asks as she takes his arm, her golden eyes twinkle like stars in the night sky.

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