Chapter 19

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It's been a couple of days since they've returned to the Blanchard Dukedom. Estelle is prohibited from leaving the castle grounds until the investigation on the ambush is over. She wasn't opposed to it because she knew it was for her safety. Plus, she thought she'd use the time to be with her husband. She wanted to make the most out of each day and do all the things she wanted to do with Nikolaidis.

However, the Duke had a mountain of documents waiting for him. Her husband, being the responsible man that he is, wants to finish all his work before anything else. That leaves the Duchess with nothing to do other than her lessons with Abenant - this time it's all about the Empire's religious beliefs. 

"Why is the Founding Anniversary offering ritual important?" Abenant asks.

"Because it is the people's way of showing gratitude to the gods for a peaceful and bountiful year. It also is a prayer that the next year may be the same," she answers.

"And who performs this ritual?"

"The temple's high priest and the Emperor."

"What if the Emperor is unable to do it? Who can act as the substitute?" 

"The heir to the throne: the Crown Prince, Crown Princess or Grand Duke."

"Correct. Well done, my lady. That ends our lessons on imperial faith," the butler says as he closes the book in his hand.

"Ugh, thank goodness," Estelle groans. 

She shifts in her seat to place her head on the wooden desk and close her eyes, feeling mentally drained. These lessons have been the most boring ones out of all. I can't believe I spent the past 5 days doing nothing but studying about this world's religious practices. Abenant discussed almost every little detail that I felt like my head was going to burst! 

I was hoping to do fun couple activities with Niko but he's been really busy. We haven't even finished our important conversation in the carriage that was cut off due to the ambush. I can't find the right timing to open up the topic since we only spend time with each other during meals and at night. I don't want to continue our very important talk while we're eating because our servants can easily listen in to our conversation. 

However, I can't also tell him at night when we're alone because we always end up immediately doing 'it' as soon as we get inside our bedroom. Honestly, I don't really mind doing it with Niko... I actually love it... But! 'That' activity doesn't involve a lot of talking...

After our dinner with the Emperor, when I learned that he fell in love with Estelle before I took over this body, I realized that I should reveal who I really am. I don't want to lie and deceive Nikolaidis. I want him to know that I'm not the person that he fell in love with two years ago. 

The reason why I want to tell him is I love him and I hope that he would love me for me. Not just because I've become Estelle. Will he believe me though? If someone says they're from another world and just possessing someone else's body, anyone would think that person is crazy. Right?

Estelle suddenly feels a light tap on her shoulder. She straightens herself in her seat and turns around to see who's behind her. She smiles as she sees it's her husband. Is Niko done with work early?

"You've completed your lessons on our Empire's beliefs," Nikolaidis says as he leans on the desk, "my wife deserves a reward."

He bends down and she gladly reaches up to meet his kiss, making her forget about her worries. She always gets a warm fuzzy feeling whenever their lips touch. Each moment feels like the first time. He pulls her up so she's caught between his legs as he deepens their kiss. He has both arms wrapped around her waist but she could slowly feel that he's lifting the skirt of her dress up inch by inch.

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