Chapter 35

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"I don't know what I'll do without you..." 

Nikolaidis' voice was barely above a whisper but the pain in his words echoed around the walls of the large bedroom. He gently takes his wife's small hand in his, as if her entire body would crumble if he tried to hold her. 

It's been a week since the incident of the Grand Duke's false imprisonment and the Grand Duchess' kidnapping but Estelle still hasn't woken up. Nikolaidis had not left her side ever since he returned from the Capital after the treason charges against him were dropped. The Emperor personally apologized to the Grand Duke for what transpired and offered bags of gold as compensation but Nikolaidis declined. All he wanted was Nathaniel to be punished for his misdeeds. Emperor Maghnus immediately took action thus Nathaniel, along with his accomplice Clement, was beheaded in front of the gates of the Imperial Palace for everyone to see.

Nikolaidis believes all of this wouldn't have happened if only he caught Nathaniel when the rogue knight escaped Blanchard months ago. He feels like a failure of a man because he has been unable to protect his wife so many times. Aside from not catching Nathaniel, he couldn't find out who sent that strange letter to the Grand Duchess last month.

Now, the worst happened. He was unable to save Estelle and their unborn child.

"Please wake up, my love. I can't lose you too..."

~•~ ~•~ ~•••~ ~•~ ~•~

She felt like she was floating weightless. She opened her eyes but she couldn't see anything. Where am I?

Memories of the events that happened in the cottage with Nathaniel comes flooding into her mind. My baby! Is our little one alright? She frantically reaches for her belly but the small bump that she has gotten so used to rubbing affectionately every day is gone. No...

A small voice calls out to her, "mommy, it's not yet the time for us to meet. I'll see you in the other world..."

What do you mean?! She tries to shout but no voice comes out from her mouth.

She feels a comforting warmth enveloping her right hand. The warmth starts growing until it covers her entire body. All of a sudden, she feels her body rapidly sinking down.

She blinks her eyes open and sees the familiar dark blue velvet canopy of their bed. I'm back in Blanchard Castle?

She feels a warm weight on her right hand and sees that it's being held gently by a man with sandy brown hair. He's seated on a chair beside the bed, asleep with his face buried in the bed sheets. Tears begin to swell in Estelle's eyes. Niko's back! He's safe and sound!

She slowly sits up, careful not to wake him and plants a very light kiss on his head. Thank you for coming back to me, Niko...

He stirs and lifts his head up. His tired blue eyes meeting Estelle's golden ones.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you up Niko?" Estelle asks, rubbing the dark circles under her husband's eyes.

The Grand Duke looked like he hasn't slept for days. His cheeks have become hollow and his skin has turned pale. Her heart feels like it's being squeezed thinking about why he looks this way. Did they treat him very badly in prison?

Nikolaidis reaches up to wipe the tears that have rolled down Estelle's cheeks, "am I dreaming, my love?"

"Do you want me to pinch you to find out if this is really real?" Estelle chuckles, her heart filling up with joy having her husband by her side.

"I know a better way to find out," he whispers and closes the space between them.

He kisses her and she eagerly reciprocates. To her, they've only been apart for a day but Nikolaidis' kisses and touches were full of deep longing that made her question if they've been apart for much longer than one day.

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