The Arrival

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Crystal Lake, New Jersey, 1957

A small smile crept onto my young face as I rested an arm on the open car window. I reclined into the backseat of the taxi with my eyes trained on the outside. The greenery around the road was beautiful; a true rich forest. There was no music playing through the car radio but I still could hear the soft song of what could only be from the angels above. Perhaps it was the birdsong of native birds that roamed the woodland around me. Or perhaps it was a sign that my new life here was going to beautiful. That the child I would be taking care of would be wonderful. That our little life together would be long and happy.

The thoughts were nothing but a life in pink.

The woods and gentle landscape slowly faded as the cab drove through the little town of Crystal Lake. The town was still green, nestled in New Jersey woods but not too far away from the big city.

"This yer stop?" The cabdriver's husky voice snapped me out of whatever rose coloured teenage dream I had put myself into.

"Oh, yes. Thank you." I pulled out the cash from my bag and held it out for the driver with a polite smile. "Have a good day." I chimed before grabbing my luggage and making my way out of the cab.

I shut the car door behind me and stood on the sidewalk with my bags in hand. I let out an accomplished sigh as I looked up at my destination while the taxi drove away down the quiet road. I gazed upon the large old house before me, woodland and shrubbery nestled around it. I carefully approached the front door of the home with a certain perk in my step. I knocked once, twice, thrice...

"Oh! Hello, dear." I was met face to face with an older woman's honey brown eyes.

"Hello, Mrs Voorhees." I smiled kindly at the woman.

"Please come in. Let me help you with your luggage." Mrs Voorhees graciously opened the door for me and took one of my bags.

"Oh, thank you." I smiled again.

She lead me through the living room towards the staircase. We both trotted up the stairs and stopped at the door of the guest room.

"Lovely house." I complimented.

"You are too kind, dear." Mrs Voorhees replied.

"Thank you so much again for the opportunity. I'm very excited to meet little Jason. Where is he, anyway?" I asked.

I dumped my luggage on my new bed and gazed upon the bedroom that was now mine.

"He's outside playing. He'll come back in shortly. I just wanted to ask you a few more questions about your job here." Said Mrs Voorhees.

I beamed at the woman and gave her my full attention, ready for her to shoot. The woman just gave me the rundown of what a day for Jason was like. He was a wonderful boy who needed to be properly watched over. It was now my job to look after and help him learn everyday while his mother worked. Jason's old babysitter had quit for reasons I didn't know about. But this time I was the live in nanny. So I couldn't really quit, no matter how much I wanted to.

My ears perked up to the sound of the downstairs door opening then closing.

"Jason?" Mrs Voorhees called out. We heard shuffling from downstairs but no reply. "Come on, dear. Let's go introduce you two. After all, you're going to be spending a lot of time together." Mrs Voorhees told me.

"That's true." I giggled a little.

Not really.

I followed Mrs Voorhees down the stairs and began to feel a little nervous.

What if he doesn't like me?

"Jason, I'd like you to meet your new nanny. They're going to be taking care of you while I'm at work and living with us. So be nice, okay?" Jason's mother asked him sweetly. The little boy peeped around a doorframe and looked at me uncertainly before ducking behind it again fearfully. "I'm sorry. He can be very shy." Mrs Voorhees apologised.

"Oh, no. It's alright. I completely understand. I'd be the same. I'm a new person in his life. Aren't I, Jason? Hey..." I grinned softly and slowly approached the room Jason was hiding in. "Hey, buddy." I then told him my name. "How are you?" I asked kindly. The little boy gazed up into my eyes with pure fear welling up in them. "Hey, hey. It's alright! I'm here to be your friend. We're gonna be great friends!" I kneeled down to match Jason's height and gently reassured him. "Don't worry, buddy. I don't bite..."

Two weeks later

"Jason, dinner!" I called to the little boy from the kitchen.

I heard hurried footsteps running down the stairs as I set the steaming pot of dinner on the dining table. I slipped the oven mitts off my hands and placed them back in the kitchen drawer. I felt a certain pair of eyes burning into the back of my head so I turned to be met face to face with little Jason.

"Hey there, honey! C'mon, dinner's on the table. Let's go." I giggled before gently grabbing Jason's hand and placing it in mine. Jason gripped my hand tightly and seemed like he didn't ever want to let go as I walked him over to his seat. "Mummy has to work late tonight, buddy. So I hope you don't mind my cooking. I know hers is amazing but let's just have a go, okay?" I beamed at the boy and sat down across from him to enjoy our meal.

Jason didn't like that we were so far apart so he grabbed his plate and stood. He sat in the chair right next to mine and set the plate back down on the table.

"Aw, you're so sweet. You wanna come sit next to me?" I stroked Jason's cheek.

Yes, the little boy was deformed. But that didn't mean anything. Jason was so beyond sweet and a lovely little ball of sunshine. I had the pleasure of teaching him and being like a second parent to him. I had only been his nanny and technical roommate for about two weeks now, but I felt a real bond forming with this kid.

Jason smiled up at me shyly and nodded his head at my question. He then scooted his chair closer to mine and we ate in comfortable silence.

"Damn! I'm a good cook!" I made a surprised face followed by an, "mmm!"

Jason laughed sincerely, then nodded his head again.

Life In Pink: Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now